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The PCC software for the calculation of pipe class components is becoming more and more popular. We get many questions which include some frequently asked questions.
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The older releases of the browser Internet Explorer of Microsoft did not support the rendering of SVG. This changed with the new releases of the browser.
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The new VES release 8.1 has been completed and send to the customers.
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The University of Zaragoza and Red-Bag have entered in a joint venture for the International Institute of Plant Engineering and Design (InIPED).
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After 2.5 years development we are happy to announce that PCC 3.0 is released. The next few weeks all our customers will receive the new version of PCC.
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A presentation of the PCC software was given to the University of Zaragoza in Spain. The presentation was given using the web conference of WebEx.
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Our software developers are in the process of implementing the calculation codes ASME B31.1 and B31.8 in the PCC software. This will complete the list of commonly used calculations codes for piping design based on internal/external pressure.
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The PCC software is continuously being improved and expanded with new functionality. Red-Bag receives many question about the popular PCC software. Most of them are answered in the fact list.
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The tube sheet layout tool now also shows the OTL value.
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The EN 1594 code calculations have been include in PCC based on the request of Gasunie.