Fitness For Service
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The Fitness For Service work supports the assessment of an existing installation. The assessment is to determine whether the installation is still suitable for the current operating and design conditions. This FFS approach is used when the regular calculations codes show that the installation is not acceptable by a 'small margin'. The assessment fitness for service can be provided by Red-Bag. The assessments are done based on the API 579 / ASME FSS-1. The code considers anomalies such as: dents, pitting, corrosion, unroundness, etcetera. Red-Bag has the calculation tools available to perform the analyses and the calculations.

Case - loading arm dent
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The loading arm has a dent in one of the pipes after the loading arm has been refurbished and installed. The question was, does the dent need to be repaired or is the loading arm with the dent acceptable. Red-Bag performed the analysis and the calculations. The result and suggestions have been presented to the customer. (Vopak)

Case - corrosion assessment
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A transport pipe line is facing corrosion at various locations. The corrosion locations have been identified and the remaining wall thickness has been measured. Red-Bag executed the calculations and presented the required modification where necessary. (Vopak)

Case - remaining life under corrosion
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The corrosion, internal or external, is not always linear or equal for each component of a pressure vessel or piping. The assessment of the remaining life is not straight forward and requires some iteration. Red-Bag uses the in-house developed PCALC application with the individual calculation to create a custom made corrosion assessment tool. The corrosion will progress in time. Every time step the applicable corrosion is determined and all the required calculations are executed. The steps are continued until the first component fails. This will determine the remaining life of the equipment or piping. (Ineos)