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This document is for discussion, comments and suggestions. The purpose is to demonstrate the dimensions of the 42” 150# flange in relation to bolt load requirements for leak tightness. The 300# flange is used to illustrate the differences and the cause for possible tightness problems in case a spiral wound gasket is used

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This document is for discussion, comments and suggestions. The purpose is to compare and validate the EN 10253-2/4 strength calculation in B.4.4 and B.5.3 with the EN 13480-3 Clause 8. The EN 10253-2/4 indicate that the calculations are based on the EN 13480-3. This document highlights possible differences.

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This article informs about the letter sent from Red-Bag to the ASME B31.3 committee subgroup materials SG-D.

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There is sometimes confusion about the joint efficiency when you compare the ASME B31.1 and the ASME B31.3. The joint efficiency for the ASME B31.1 (2020) are included in the allowable stress values of Table A-1 (US Customary units). Be careful, because some tables are also available is SI or metric units.

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EN 13480-3 Clause 7.2.3 Possible ambiguous result
Red-Bag is member of the CEN/TC 267/WG3 workgroup. This workgroup is responsible for the maintenance and improvements of the EN 13480-3 Industrial Piping and Pipelines standard.
Red-Bag is developer and provider of software for the calculation according the EN 13480-3. The software is used by Notified Bodies to assess the validity of the engineering calculations submitted by plant owners, engineering companies and manufacturers.

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The international customer base is growing in all Spanish speaking countries including Spain in Europe and especially the countries in South America. Our goal is to provide easy communication for our customers. We are happy to announce that Red-Bag has an agent in Spain with whom customers can communicate in the Spanish language. Use this Spanish contact form to contact our agent.

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Many of us have the impression that the bolt stress will go up when a flange pair in a pipe system is pressurized after assembly.

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Red-Bag User Day May, 2019 took place in the new industrial location of RDM Rotterdam. We have had a successful start of the Technical Journey with a motivated group of participants.

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We are happy to announce that our new address is:
Red-Bag BV
Klinknagelstraat 2
3089 JP Rotterdam
Tel.: +31(0)10 790 0062
New VAT nr.: NL859323808B01
All relevant contact and email addresses remain the same. Contact us at