Table of contents
1. Purpose
This procedure has been established to standardize the transmittal of engineering information which will be of value to people throughout the Company organization.
This procedure applies to all operational departments.
2. General
Feedback information which is received regarding plant improvements, changes in design concepts, construction problems or equipment failures, is not being given wide enough publicity throughout the company to allow full advantage to be taken of such information.
In order to ensure that such information does flow freely between all departments, this procedure should be carefully followed.
A Technical Bulletin (TB) gives a brief description of any information generated within Company, or received during discussion with clients or other business associates, which would be useful to all our operations. Such items include, but are not limited to:
- plant or process improvements;
- major design revisions;
- unique construction problems;
- equipment failures;
- operational problems.
The Lessons Learned procedure (ref. 6.1) gives detailed guidance to systematically include this information in our work processes and standards.
This procedure may serve as a fast response to the organization of such a lesson. Additionally a TB may also be used when other technical feedback information is to be issued.
3. Responsibilities
3.1 The Department/Discipline Manager is responsible for assigning an author, the authorization of the TB, the distribution and maintenance of the register.
He shall also ensure that his TB contains sufficient information to permit other departments to independently follow up on the information when such action is deemed to be necessary.
3.2 The author writes a TB based on the information given by the originating individual.
3.3 Project Managers and Department/Discipline Managers are requested to encourage all members of their staff to generate items which should be covered by a TB.
3.4 It will then be the responsibility of the department to follow up on the information within his discipline. This avoids the problems that occur from a wide distribution where it is assumed that everyone has seen the TB and action is being taken.
4. Procedure
The procedure to be followed in preparing a TB for distribution is as follows.
4.1 The originator of a TB is to submit draft TB (ref. 6.2) to his Department/Discipline Manager who will screen and initial the TB, approving for its release.
4.2 Upon the receipt of a TB, the Department/Discipline Manager will decide if a procedure/standard require an update. This will be indicated on the TB.
4.3 If the TB has been approved for distribution, the Department/Discipline Manager assigns an identification number to the TB, records this number and the subject of the TB in a register to be kept by him, and takes care of the distribution.
The numbering to be used is as follows:
- TB-“department code”-“sequential number”, e.g.
TB-247-001j the first piping design Technical Bulletin
4.4 The Department/Discipline Manager will keep a distribution schedule of all TB’s issued. As a minimum the following personnel shall receive copies of TB’s:
- Manager Technical Operations;
- Director of Projects;
- Related Program Manager;
- Manager Quality Assurance;
- Related Department Manager;
- Related Lead Engineers.
4.5 When actions are to be taken to solve the problems which are raised in TBs, the procedure for Lessons Learned (ref. 6.1) shall be followed.
5. Flowchart
6. References
Document Number | Title | Level | |
6.1 | CM-PE-319 | Transfer of Lessons Learned | 2 |
6.2 | REC24021 | Technical Bulletin | STDFORM |