Table of Contents
The purpose of this procedure is to define requirements for formal evaluation of performance of employees at a regular interval and on special occasions.
The objective is to offer long term career opportunities and effective job execution through a process of counselling and performance assessments.
A formal evaluation enables both the company, via the department of Human Resources, and the employee to understand what the employee's supervisor recognizes as being strong and positive aspects of the employee. It also enables the supervisor to state what aspects of the employee should concentrate on improving/developing.
This interface with the employee is intended to give the employee the important feedback on his/her performance so that regular progress can be encouraged.
In completing the appraisal, specific attention should be paid to the editorial part of the appraisal. The importance of this part of the appraisal is emphasized by the fact that it is the front page of the form. Strong and weak points should be highlighted and be discussed with the employee. Also training needs should be defined in order to secure long term career growth.
3. Responsibilities
The Manager of Human Resources is responsible for reviewing any employee appeals referred to him/her.
The Manager of Human Resources is responsible for advising Department Managers of when employees are due for evaluation, for reviewing appeals from employees and for filing the results of the evaluations.
The Department Managers are responsible for ensuring that the regular evaluations are carried out by the appropriate appraiser, for determining the special occasions for evaluation, that the evaluations are being discussed with the employees and for filing the results, and for ensuring that the evaluations are returned to Human Resources Department within one month after the evaluation date.
The Appraiser is responsible for carrying out the evaluation and for submitting the completed form to the Department Manager.
4. Procedure
4.1 First Evaluation
The first evaluation of a staff employee shall take place just prior to the end of the employment probation period.
At least two weeks prior to the end of an employee's probation period, the Manager of Human Resources shall write a memo to the Department Manager requesting to execute the first evaluation and to give a formal decision yes/no for continuation of employment after the probation period.
However, if a Supervisor/Department Manager is dissatisfied with a new employee, they shall not wait to be prompted but shall make their evaluation known as soon as possible.
The first evaluation process shall be completed prior to the last day of the probation period.
4.2 Regular Evaluations
A regular evaluation shall take place for each employee on the anniversary of his/her joining the company.
In the first week of each month, the Manager of Human Resources shall establish a list of employees due for regular evaluation.
The list shall be submitted to the appropriate department manager for action.
4.3 Special Evaluations
Evaluations may be initiated by the departmental manager on special occasions.
The special occasion may include, but not be limited to:
- When an employee completes a major assignment.
- When an employee is to be permanently transferred to another department.
- When an employee's performance is unsatisfactory.
- When an employee asks for an evaluation.
4.4 Forms
The evaluation on the probation period will be executed by the Departmental Manager on the basis of a standard 'probationary period appraisal' memo issued by the Human Resources Department (see Attachment 1).
When an evaluation is required, the employee's department manager shall receive the appropriate form from the Human Resources Department. Any additional information can be attached to this form.
For employees who have no objections to and/or difficulties with the English language, the English version of the form shall be used (see Attachment 2) and shall be completed by the appraiser in English.
For employees who prefer the Dutch language, the Dutch version of the form shall be used (see Attachment 3) and shall be completed by the appraiser in Dutch.
4.5 Appraiser
The Department Manager shall select the appraiser who will evaluate the employee.
In principle, one appraiser will prepare an appraisal form and he will seek consultation with one or more persons who can judge the appraisee in relation to the assigned tasks.
In a departmental situation, the appraiser shall be the immediate supervisor.
Where an employee is assigned to a project taskforce, then the project taskforce supervisor shall complete the appraisal.
4.6 Review
The immediate supervisor will make the appraisal in draft form and will review it with the person consulted. The appraisal will be finalized and signed by the immediate supervisor.
When the evaluation form is completed it will be submitted to the departmental manager for review and concurrence.
4.7 Appraisal Discussion
The appraisal discussion with the employee will be conducted by the immediate supervisor.
The appraisal discussion shall take place within four weeks after the evaluation has been made. At this meeting, the evaluation shall be presented to and reviewed with the employee. After the discussions, the employee may contribute any remarks in the section of the form headed "employee's comments". The employee shall sign the evaluation form.
After the appraisal discussion, the departmental manager shall sign the evaluation form to indicate that the meeting took place and to acknowledge the remarks made by the employee.
If the employee requests so, a copy of the evaluation form will be provided by the department manager to the employee.
4.8 Right of Appeal
If an employee has a major objection to the manner and/or result of the evaluation, then he/she shall have the right to appeal to the Manager of Human Resources. The Manager of Human Resources will review and try to resolve the objections raised prior to inviting the employee. The Manager of Human Resources will discuss the appeal with the employee and involve the departmental manager in his final evaluation. The departmental manager continues to be responsible for modification of the performance appraisal. If no consensus can be reached, the Managing Director can be consulted for final resolution.
4.9 Records
The Department Manager will send the original of the evaluation and, if applicable, formal appeal form to the Manager of Human Resources, and will file the copy, together with a copy of any formal appeal in the department's personnel file.
The Manager of Human Resources shall file the originals, together with any formal appeals, in the central personnel file for a minimum period of 5 years beyond the termination of employment of the employee.
All evaluations shall be treated as confidential information.
5. Flowchart
6. References
Document Number | Title | Level | |
6.1 | CM-ma-800 | Trianing | 2 |
7.1 | Probation Period Appraisa | Company | HR Standard Memo |
7.2 | Performance Evaluation | Company | BN-UF-26-1/2 |
7.3 | Beoordeling Werkprestaties | Company | BN-UF-26N-1/2 |
Give a brief description/evaluation of the Employee’s main tasks performed during the period evaluated.
The Employee’s most important accomplishments were:
The recommended goals for improvment are:. |
Special comments (strong and weak points, potential for improvement).
Indicate training received during review period (include. on the job training): Identify obvious needs for training:
After completing this front sheet, please turnover page and fill in the score chart.
DETAILED REPORT, KEYS: A = Excellent; B = Good; C = Satisfactory; D = Meets Minimal Requirements; E = Unsatisfactory |
KEYS | |||||||||
NO |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
1. |
THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE Depth of know-how, standards and practices. |
2. |
TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE Application of know-how. |
3. |
QUALITY OF WORK Degree of excellence, accuracy and throughness. |
4. |
PRODUCTIVITY Volume of acceptable work. Conscience performance within budget and schedule. |
5. |
PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION Ability to administer, coordinate and plan. |
6. |
SAFETY Application of good safety practices during work and in designs. |
7. |
SELF IMPROVEMENT Ability willingness and initiative for self improvement, reaction to counseling. |
8. |
COMMUNICATIONS Ability to communicate effectively (verbal and written) to colleagues and clients. |
9. |
INITIATIVE Ability to take effective action without specific instructions. |
10. |
CREATIVITY Ability to stimulate and generate new ideas having practical applications. |
11. |
ADAPTABILITY Ability to adapt in a flexible, constructive and cooperative way to varying work requirements. |
12. |
ATTITUDE Related to accuracy, punctuality, integrity and stability. |
13. |
SUPERVISORY SKILLS Ability to guide and motivate others in a decisive and tactful way, project minded, able to delegate and control. |
Rating: A - B - C - D - E |
Date: |
Supervisor’s comments: |
Employee’s comments: |
Employee’s signature Date: |
Department Manager’s signature Date: |
Appraiser signature Date: |
Geconsulteerd met: |
Geef een korte omschrijving van de voornaamste werkzaamheden die de employé(e) gedurende de betreffende tijd heeft verricht.
Bijzondere prestaties die door de employé(e) werden verricht:
Aanbevelingen tot persoonlijke verbetering:
Opmerkingen (sterke en zwakke punten, mogelijkheden tot verbetering). Gevolgde training gedurende afgelopen periode (include. on the job training): Gewenste te volgen training:
Nadat de voorzijde van het formulier is ingevuld, wordt u verzocht de tabel aan de achterzijde in te vullen.
GEDETAILLEERD VERSLAG, WAARDERINGSCODES: A = uitmuntend; B =goed; C = voldoends; D = voldoet aan minimum eisen; E = onvoldoende |
NR |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
1. |
THEORETISCHE KENNIS Hoe is de vakkennis, bekenheid met regels en procedures. |
2. |
TECHNISCHE KENNIS Toepassing van vakkenis. |
3. |
KWALITEIT VAN HET WERK Mate van perfectie, nauwkeurigheid en grondigheid. |
4. |
PRODUCTIVITEIT Hoeveelheid werk van een aanvaardbare kwaliteit. Is binnen begroting en planning gebleven. |
5. |
PLANNING EN ORGANISATE In staat te plannen, te coördineren en het voeren van goede administratie. |
6. |
VEILIGHEID Zorg voor veiligheid bij de uitvoering van werk en het voorbereiden ervan. |
7. |
ZELFONTWIKKELING Het vermogen, de bereidheid en het initiatief tot zelfontwikkeling. Hoe wordt gereageerd op adviezen? |
8. |
COMMUNICATIE Het vermogen effectief met collega’s en klanten te communiceren (in woord en geschrift). |
9. |
INITIATIEF Het vermogen zelfstandig en doelmatig te werken. |
10. |
CREATIVITEIT Het vermogen nieuwe ideeën voor praktische toepassing te ontwikkeln en te stimuleren. |
11. |
AANPASSINGSVERMOGEN Het vermogen zich op flexibele, opbouwende en samenwerkende wijze aan te passen aan wisselende werksituaties. |
12. |
HOUDING Is hij/zij zorgvuldig, punctueel, integer, stabiel. |
13. |
LEIDINGGEVENDE CAPACITEITEN Het vermogen tot het leidinggeven aan en het motiveren van anderen op een beslissende, taktvolle en taakbewuste wijze. Het vermogen te delegeren en toezicht te houden. |
Waardering: A - B - C - D - E |
Datum: |
Opmerkingen Supervisor: |
Opmerkingen Employé(e): |
Handtekening Employé(e): Datum: |
Handtekening Afdelingshoofd: Datum: |
Handtekening Beoordelaar: Datum: |