- Policy
- Application
- Expenditure Categories
- Forms
- Signature Authorization
- Miscellaneou
- Flow & Approval of Standard Form
1. Policy
All acquisitions of office supplies, furniture, equipment and services will be properly documented and authorized.
The General Services department will control and administer all acquisitions, except those of computers and associated equipment which will be controlled and administered by the Computer Services Department.
Special services, such as consultancy services, will be controlled by the requisitioning entity.
The commercial aspects of all acquisitions will be the responsibility of the Procurement Department.
2. Application
This procedure applies to overhead expenditures and covers the following categories:
- General office supplies
- Standard office supplies, furniture and equipment
- Special office supplies, furniture, equipment and services.
3. Expenditure Categorie
For the purpose of this procedure, the following expenditure categories have been established:
3.1 General Office Supplies
This category includes all stationery supplies, drawing supplies, and forms which are maintained as stock items in the Supply Room.
3.2 Standard Office Supplies, Furniture and Equipment
This category includes the following items:
- Supplies : nonstock stationary and drafting items, publications, books and library items, canteen, printing and computer supplies, special forms and proposal requirements.
- Furniture : desks, chairs and tables, drafting tables and chairs, files and cabinets.
- Equipment : computers and associated equipment, standard typewriters and desk calculators.
- Maintenance : regular maintenance and repairs of furniture, equipment, office building, heating/airconditioning system etc
3.3 Special Office Supplies, Furniture, Equipment and Services
- Supplies : all nonstandard office supplies that are specialty items of significant value which, at the discretion of the Manager General Services, require authorization by the General Manager.
- Furniture : all special office furniture which does not conform to office standards.
- Equipment : electronic calculators, reproduction equipment, special typewriters, communication equipment (e.g. telephone, telex, telecopier), dictating equipment etc.
- Expenditures as a result of office rearrangements or periodical office reconditioning.
- Other special overhead expenditures such as social functions, recruiting campaigns,etc.
4. Forms
The forms required for the execution of this procedure are:
4.1 Supply Room Issue Form BN-UG203
A single part form used by the Supply Room to document the disbursement of general office supplies.
4.2 Requisition Form BN-UG200
A three part form used by departments to request the acquisition of standard or special office supplies, furniture, equipment and services.
4.3 Purchase Order Form BN-UG201
A four part form used by the Procurement Department to purchase office supplies, furniture, equipment and services.
4.4 Material Receiving Notice Form BN-UG202
A three part form used to document the receipt by the department of the requested standard or special office supplies, furniture and equipment.
5. Signature Authorizations
5.1. Supply Room Issue
The supply room issue form BN-UG203 will be completed by the Supply Room at the time of issue and signed for by the recipient. This form does not require prior approval. However, Department/Cost Center Heads may designate persons authorized to receive general office supplies.
5.2 Requisition
After approval by the Department Head, requisitions will be authorized as follows:
- Standard office supplies, furniture and equipment requisitions will be authorized for acquisition by signature of the Manager General Services or in the case of computer supplies, by the Manager Computer Services.
- Special office supplies, furniture, equipment and services requisitions will be authorized for acquisition by signature of the General Manager.
- The requisitioning of general office supplies is the responsibility of the General Services department.
- Where required, requisitions shall be supported by duly approved Appropriation Requests.
5.3 Purchase Order
Upon receipt of an authorized requisition the Procurement Department will issue a purchase order or orders as appropriate. Whenever feasible competitive bids will be secured for items over ........... in value.
5.4 Material Receiving Notice
Upon receipt of the ordered item(s), General Services will prepare a material receiving notice which will be signed by the requesting department, thereby acknowledging receipt of requested item.
6. Miscellaneous
6.1 Administration
In order to control and relate documents, General Services will assign a unique number to all requisitions except those for computers and associated equipment and special services (consultants etc.). This number will consist of the cost center number, year and a sequence number. This number will be recorded on the requisition upon receipt by General Services.
The requisition number will be recorded on the related material receiving notice.
Purchase order numbers, consisting of a four digit sequential number, are assigned to purchase orders by the Procurement Department and recorded in a purchase order register. The purchase order number will also be recorded on the related material receiving notice.
In those cases where it is not practical to prepare a separate purchase order for repetitive acquisitions, such as canteen food supplies, special procedures may be developed by General Services. These special procedures must be properly documented by General Services and approved by the Procurement Department and Accounting.
The Computer Services Department is authorized to initiate the development of sources for computers and associated equipment/ supplies. Final bid comparisons and source selections resulting from such developments shall in all instances be made in conjunction with the Procurement Department. Purchase order placement will remain the responsibility of the Procurement Department.
6.2 Payments
Payments to vendors will not be made by Accounting without an authorized requisition, material receiving notice and purchase order when applicable.
6.3 Overhead Budgets
Accounting will advise the Manager General Services and the applicable department heads of approved epartment/cost center overhead budgets which are necessary to authorize expenditures.
6.4 Reports
All department/cost center overhead expenditures for the acquisition of office supplies, furniture, equipment and services will be reported on the cost center overhead detail BC report which is produced monthly by Accounting from the overhead budget system.
7. Flow & Approval of Standard Forms
7.1 General Office Supplies
Form : Supply room issue form BN-UG203
Action : Supply room completes form when issuing supplies
Approval : Recipient signs for receipt of supplies.
Action : General Services calculates and inserts total price.
Distribution : Form to Accounting
7.2Standard Office Supplies, Furniture and Equipment
Form : Requisition form BN-UG200
Action : Department/cost center completes requisition form and retains copy 2
Approval : Department head approves requisition
Action : General Services records requisition number *)
Approval : Manager General Services authorizes acquisition *)
Distribution : Original to Procurement Department
Copy 1 to department/cost center
Form : Purchase order form BN-UG201
Action : Procurement Department issues purchase order
Approval : Purchase order signed by Procurement Department
Distribution :
Original to vendor
Copy 1 to Accounting
Copy 2 to purchase order file (Proc.)
Copy 3 to department/cost center
Form : Material receiving notice form BN-UG202
Action : General Services prepares material receiving notice upon receipt of items
Approval : Department/cost center signs material receiving notice to acknowledge receipt of items
Distribution : Original to Accounting
Copy 1 to General Services
Copy 2 to Department/Cost Center
*) Not for computers and associated equipment and special services, (consultants, etc.).
3 Special Office Supplies, Furniture, Equipment and Services
The same procedure applies as for standard office supplies, furniture, equipment and services except that the equisitions must be authorized by signature of the General Manager prior to acquisition of the item.