Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. General
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Procedure
  5. Flowchart
  6. References
  7. Attachments

1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to provide a general guideline for all parties concerned in Company in relation to staffing a project/job location and establishing realistic and competitive assignment conditions.

2. General

2.1 For assignments of less than four weeks, no specific conditions will be set. All reasonable business expenses during such assignments will be reimbursed against expense reports supported by relevant invoices in accordance with CM-MA-806.

2.2 For assignments longer than four weeks the employee shall receive specific assignment conditions including an arrangement to cover the extra costs resulting from his assignment.

2.3 For assignments initially shorter than four weeks, reimbursement of business expenses shall, after four weeks, be converted into payment of a fixed allowance.

2.4 The assignment procedure serves:

2.5 To instruct all relevant parties in Company i.e. Department Managers, Project Managers and assignees in connection with upcoming assignments to project/job locations and the related assignment conditions.

2.6 To set up work instructions in relation with instructions as laid down by the client and local (tax) authorities in the country where the project will be executed.

2.7 To distinguish the difference in conditions between assignments shorter than 4 weeks (business trips) and longer than 4 weeks (assignments).

2.8 Detailed information relative to assignment conditions are stipulated in Chapter D of the Green Book.

3. Responsibilities

The Project Director/Project Manager is responsible for supplying sufficient information in order to be able to establish assignment conditions. He is also responsible to provide starting dates of assignments in order to start preparation of assignment agreements and the process for relocation of employees to the project/job location.

The Department/Discipline Manager is responsible for staffing the job by employees for assignments to the project/job location.

Human Resources Department is responsible for:

  • Establishing assignment conditions based on realistic and competitive information obtained via reliable sources i.e. site surveys, information from statistical sources, intercompany sources, and visits to the location in an early stage.
  • Preparing work instructions per project/country which shall contain the policy to be followed for assigning/relocating employees to the project/job location.

The assignee (employee) is responsible for reading, understanding of and following up work instructions related to the project.

4. Procedure

4.1 After award of the Project the Project Director/Project Manager will arrange a kick-off meeting in order to supply Department Managers and Human Resources Department with relevant information of the specific project. This shall include the positions/vacancies to be filled and the starting dates of assignments for employees who are scheduled on the project.

4.2 The assignment conditions for a project location shall be defined by Human Resources Department and are subject to approval of the General Manager. If necessary a site survey to investigate local cost shall be executed before the specific assignment conditions are established.

4.3 Human Resources Department distributes the approved assignment conditions to all Department Managers and the Project Director/Project Manager for their information.

4.4 Human Resources Department prepares work instructions per Project/Country and distributes them to all Department Managers, the Project Director/Project Manager and the assignee.

4.5 The Department Manager determines availability and possibility of the employee for the assignment.

4.6 The Department Manager issues the PAN (Personnel Action Notice) form for the assignment of the employee to the project.

4.7 Human Resources Department will, based on the approved PAN-form, contact the employee to supply him with relevant information. All assignment conditions shall be confirmed to the employee in an assignment agreement, duly signed by the Company and the employee for acceptance, before the employee starts the assignment.

5. Flowchart (A)

Flowchart (B)

6. References


Document Number





Personnel Action Notice



Chapter D Green Book

Assignment conditions for Company


7. Attachments
