Table of Contents

  1. Policy
  2. Application
  3. General Instructions
  4. Authorized Approvals
  5. Staff Acquisition
  6. Assignments
  7. Pan Form Numbers
  8. Procedures
  9. References

1. Policy

All planned personnel actions and changes affecting employee records will be properly documented and authorized through use of the Personnel Action Notice (PAN) form.

2. Application

This procedure applies to permanent Company employees and other Company employees administered by the Company Home Office, as well as agency, contract services or other temporary personnel.

The Personnel Action Notice (PAN) form will be used for actions such as:

  • Requisition
  • New Hire or Rehire
  • Separation
  • Promotion and Salary Changes
  • Transfer and Training
  • Personnel and Payroll Data Changes

The Personnel Action Notice (PAN) form serves as a single source document which provides the Accounting and Human Resources Depart­ments with vital data for action and accurate record keeping.

3. General Instructions

3.1 Form

The Personnel Action Notice (PAN) form BN-UF5 shall be used in all cases.

3.2 Completion

When filling out the PAN form, use a typewriter. No carbon paper is needed.

3.3 Mailing

The PAN form shall be routed for the necessary approvals in a sealed envelope marked "personal and confidential" and shall be treated as urgent mail.

3.4 Handling

To ensure timely receipt of required accounting and payroll data, the PAN form must be processed promptly.

3.5 Distribution

The completed and authorized PAN form will be distributed as follows:

  • Original             (white)     to Originating Department
  • Copy 1             (yellow)   to Accounting Department
  • Copy 2             (pink)      to Human Resources Department

3.6 Disapprovals

Disapproved PAN forms will be returned to the Originating Depart­ment.

4. Authorized Approvals

4.1 Management

Management or Director approval refers to the Managing Director or the General Manager and reflects the final approval for execution of a certain action.

The General Manager will approve the Personnel Action Notice "PAN" form for the Project Management Services, Process Engineering, Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Information Systems and Construction Department.

The Managing Director will approve the PAN form for all other Departments.

Either the Managing Director or General Manager may serve as an alternative to the other.

In the absence of the Managing Director and the General Manager, the Vice President Administration is authorized on their behalf.

Management approval is required in case of:

  • Termination due to staff reduction of all personnel.
  • Salary increase/decrease of all personnel.
  • Promotion/demotion of all personnel.
  • All actions on personnel directly reporting to Management.
  • New hire/rehire or separation of personnel directly reporting to Departmental Managers.

On all other personnel issues, the Departmental Heads are authorized to sign for final approval of PAN's initiated and issued by them.

4.2 Department

For purposes of this procedure, Department Manager is defined in accordance with the current organization structure as follows:

  • Vice President of Sales
  • Director of Business Development
  • Director of Advanced Technology
  • General Counsel
  • Vice President of Finance and Accounting
  • Manager of Quality Assurance and Safety
  • Manager of Projects
  • Manager of Process Engineering
  • Manager of Engineering
  • Manager of Procurement
  • Manager of Construction
  • Manager of Information Systems
  • Manager of Project Management Services
  • Vice President of Administration
  • Manager of Human Resources
  • Manager of General Services

As specified in this procedure, the Department Manager will approve the Personnel Action Notice form for initiating an action as described under section 8.0 (Procedures) in the index pertaining to personnel in the department; reference is made to section 4.1.

4.3 Human Resources Department

The Manager of Human Resources or, in his absence, his designate will approve all Personnel Action Notice forms, after they have been validated.

5. Staff Acquisition

The acquisition of staff begins with the requisition PAN form. Based on a justifiable requirement, the Department Manager will prepare a Personnel Action Notice form and forward it to the Human Resources Department for approval. The authorized requisition PAN form will remain valid for a period of three months from the date of final required approval to the date of acceptance of offer, unless otherwise noted by Management. The Department Manager should initiate action if an extension is required.

Upon receipt of the approved requisition PAN form, the Department Manager has authority to hire and ill proceed through the Human Resources Department to search for an appropriate candi­date by the various approved methods. After selection of the candi­date, the Department Manager will advise Human Resources Department to prepare the offer of employment.

Provided the conditions of employment are consistent with company policy and within the established salary structure, further manage­ment approval will not be required prior to issuing the offer, unless previously directed by Management. If the conditions of employment are not consistent with company policy or outside the established salary structure, the Manager of Human Resources will obtain management approval prior to issuing the offer of employment.

The new hire or rehire PAN form will be prepared by the Department Manager on the date the new employee reports for work. This PAN form will be processed for the required approvals and serves as information and acknowledgement that the prior approved requisition PAN form has been filled.

6. Assignments

A letter of assignment for inter-office and job-site assignments is required in addition to the PAN form. A copy of the PAN form will be sent to the receiving company by the Human Resources Department. Department Managers should initiate the assignment PAN form and letter of assignment as early as reasonably possible and these should be completed and signed well in advance of the effective date.

7. Pan Form Numbers

To provide the necessary controls and the ability to relate the requisition PAN forms to the new hire PAN forms, the Human Resources Department will assign a PAN form number to all Personnel Action Notices.

8. Procedures

8.1 Requisition

Used for requesting additional or replacement staff, and agency, contract services or other temporary personnel. A separate PAN form is required for each requested employee.


Department Manager


Department Manager records position title, account code, department number, (cost center), location and checks regular or temporary. (See Note 1.)
  Department Manager completes comment/justification. If replacement, indicate name of separated employee. If additional staff, include justification.

Human Resources Department assigns PAN form number and validates information.


Department Manager
Manager of Human Resources
Managing Director/General Manager (if required)

8.1.1 Extended Notice Periods

If the Department Manager desires an extended notice period to be included in the employment agreement, which period exceeds the legal notice period of one month, then special authorization will be required. In these cases, the reason for the extended notice period shall be indicated by the Department Manager in the comments section of the requisition PAN form. This same procedure will apply when a notice period is to be extended by virtue of a promotion.

Note 1:

"Regular (permanent)" or "temporary" in box 6 of the PAN form refers only to the nature of the employment.  The temporary nature of assignments and transfers should be mentioned under "comments or justification".

8.2 New Hire or Rehire

To be completed on the date the employee reports for work.



Department Manager


Department Manager completes "present status" section and records requisition PAN form number in "comments" section. Human Resources Department assigns PAN form number, validates information, and checks authorized requisition PAN form number.


Department Manager
Manager of Human Resources
Managing Director/General Manager (if required)
Note PAN form will be processed for information.

8.3 Separation

8.3.1 Termination Due to Staff Reduction (Subject Either to Mutual Agreement, Labour Office Permit or Court Verdict)


Department Manager


Department Manager records employee name, staff number, indicates in "comments" section the reason for termination as "staff reduction". A separation date will not be indicated at this time.


As the next step in the termination procedure, the Human Resources Department will review internal transfer possibilities within the company on the basis of approved and unfilled requisitions. If no such transfer is possible, the Human Resources Department shall state on the PAN form "internal  transfer examined and not available".

As soon as the final decision is made to terminate the employment agreement, a separation date is established, and a separation PAN form is completed in accordance with 8.3.2 below.


Department Manager
Manager of Human Resources
Managing Director/General Manager

8.3.2 All Other Separations


Department Manager


Department Manager records employee name, staff number, and effective date of separation. Department Manager interviews employee and records reason for separation. Human Resources Department conducts exit interview.


Department Manager
Manager of Human Resources
Managing Director/General Manager
Note When a separation PAN form is prepared as the final documentation for a termination due to staff reduction, the PAN form will be initiated and completed by the Human Resources Department

8.4 Promotion

Used for promotion or position title change.


Department Manager


Department Manager records employee name and staff number "present status" section. New salary is recorded in "changes" section.
  Department Manager indicates effective date and includes
  Human Resources Department assigns PAN form number and validates new salary.


Department Manager
Manager of Human Resources
Managing Director/General Manager
Note See 8.1.1 extended notice periods.

8.5 Salary

Used for all salary changes other than company wide general increas­es and general mid-year and year-end salary reviews, for which special procedures apply.


Department Manager


Department Manager records employee name and staff number "present status" section. New salary is recorded in "changes" section.
  Department Manager indicates effective date and includes
  Human Resources Department assigns PAN form number and validates new salary.


Department Manager
Manager of Human Resources
Managing Director/General Manager

8.6 Transfers

Used for all assignments exceeding four weeks and internal trans­fers.


Department Manager
Action  Department Manager records employee name and staff number in "present status" section and completes appropriate "changes" section.
  Human Resources Department assigns PAN form number and validates information.
Approvals   Department Manager
Manager of Human Resources
Managing Director/General Manager (if required)


Internal Company transfers require the approval of both the transferring and receiving Department Managers.
  For transfers within The Hague group of companies, the transferring company will complete the PAN form and forward a copy to the receiving company.
  For transfers to Company from other Company affiliates, the receiving Department will initiate a PAN form such as in 8.2 new hire or rehire.

8.7 Training

Used when an employee is to receive special training or attend a course.

Initiator Department Manager
Action  Department Manager records employee name and staff number
in "present status" section. Department Manager indicates in "comments" section the course description, date and duration provides justification and indicates course costs. Human Resources Depart­ment assigns PAN form number.


Department Manager
Manager of Human Resources
Managing Director/General Manager (if required)

8.8 Personal and Payroll Data

Used to document personal and payroll, other than salary changes. In those cases where a special form is required, such as the "Werk­nemersverklaring Loonbelasting", to document personal and payroll data changes, a duplication of effort in also preparing a PAN form will not be necessary. Therefore, only when necessary, the Human Resources Department will document the change with a PAN form.

8.9 Agency

See CM-MA-831

9. References

  Number Title Level
9.1 CM-MA-800  Procedure for Training 2
9.2 CM-MA-804 Administrative Procedure for Assignments of Personnel to Job Locations Administered by Company 2
9.3 CM-MA-814  Procedure for Recruitment Advertising and/or Consultant 2
9.4 CM-MA-818  Procedure for Assignment of Company Home
Office Personnel to Affiliate Company Offices
9.5 CM-MA-831  Procedure for the In-House Utilization of
Subcontract or Temporary Staff Agencies