Table of Contents
1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to give details for piping model review and the definition of the percentage completion stages of the piping model
2. General
Although the model is the focal point of the design effort and therefore continuous design interfaces take place around the model, formal reviews are required.
Therefore, setting up for and conducting a model review is extremely important to derive maximum benefit.
Normally a two stage review takes place. Before the model is ready for the model review, it must be rigorously checked for compliance with all design criteria (ref. 6.4).
The model review guide (ref. 6.3) gives additional guidance in executing the model review.
3. Responsibilities
The Project Manager is responsible for the planning of the model review and defining the percentage completion where the model review shall be held.
The Lead Project Engineer is responsible for the organization and the execution of the model review and for the reporting thereof. He must also ensure that an internal model check be held.
The Model Maker/Piping Squad Leader is responsible for assisting the Lead Project Engineer in above activities and for the completion of the model at the different stages of the model review.
4. Procedure
4.1 Planning
The Project Manager shall confirm with the client the agreed percentage completion for the model reviews, ref. 6.1. He shall update the checklist of percentage completion accordingly (ref. 6.4, Attachment 3).
A planning is made by the Model Maker/Piping Squad Leader, the Project Engineer and the Planning Engineer to establish the dates of the different stages in model completion.
Two weeks before the required percentage complete stage is achieved the Piping Squad Leader will announce this to the Project Manager.
4.2 Coordination of the Model Review Meeting
The Project Engineer with the responsible Process Engineer, the Instrument Engineer and the Piping Squad Leader will verify the completion of the model and check for errors. (See guide for checking of design model, ref. 6.4) At the end of this check, agreement is made on a date for the model review meeting.
When this check is found satisfactory the Project Engineering Manager will arrange the model review meeting with the client. After a date has been agreed, the Project Engineer will inform the people that have to be present or on call.
In order to make maximum use of the time allotted for the review, a specific model review agenda should be published prior to the meeting indicating a specific allotted time for the session. The agenda should list the attendees and clearly indicate the purpose of the review. Comments on the agenda should be accepted from the invitees prior to the meeting to ensure that it meets everyone’s needs.
The time frame allocated should not exceed four hours and should allow sufficient breaks to enable attendees to refresh themselves. Extending the length of the review will distract from the quality level of the input simply due to people’s loss of concentration.
Invitees should be given sufficient notice to become familiar with the project. if they are not full time members of the task force, and sufficient prior access to the model so that they may develop a comprehensive set of questions prior to the formal review. This approach will maximize well thought-out questions, minimize rhetoric and will be most efficient.
Preferably, the review will be held in a room where there are no other distractions, such as telephone paging systems, noisy model construction, etc.
4.3 Attendees of Meetings
In order to maximize the participation of everyone who attends, the size of the group should be limited to a maximum of ten persons. Obviously, the smaller the number of people attending, the greater the contribution of each attendee. Ten is probably the maximum number that can fit comfortably around a standard size model table.
It will be far more efficient to hold more smaller reviews that fewer large ones which take a great deal of time and accomplish much less.
By properly segregating reviews into categories, as discussed in the previous section, and by inviting only those who can impact on that particular category, it will be possible to maintain the number of attendees to a manageable number.
Pending on the size of the project and client’s requirements, the following people may attend the model review meeting:
- client’s representatives
- piping squad leader
- lead project engineer/project engineer
- model maker/piping squad leader
- on call are;
- project manager
- engineer manager
- design coordinator
- responsible process engineer(s)
- instrument and electrical engineer
- civil/structural engineer
- fire fighting engineer
- construction coordinator
4.4 Reference Drawings
Reference drawings should be made available by the lead project engineer during the model review to clarify any questions which cannot be answered directly from reviewing the model:
- definition percentage completion
- plot plan drawings
- P and I diagrams from which the model piping was designed
- process specifications
- process flow diagrams
- design scope and/or model specification (including color code)
- structural steel drawings from which the model steel was erected
- HVAC design intent drawings from which duct work was designed.
- A stick file with the appropriate drawings should be close at hand at all times during the review.
4.5 Recording of Comments
During the review, the concluded comments are recorded (sequentially with number) by the lead project engineer with an action stated on the review form (see Attachment 1).
The corresponding number may be attached with a sticker to the model at the location where the comment was made. Different sticker colors may be used for comments from different parties.
4.6 Follow-up Meeting
Immediately after the model review comments are reviewed in a follow-up meeting (for attendees, see section 4.3).
Decision will be made whether the comment is to be incorporated, if a change in scope is involved, etc.
4.7 Minutes of Meeting
A minutes of meeting shall be issued by the lead project engineer (ref. 6.2) within one week after the meeting.
In this minutes comments will be recorded and the review shall be attached.
4.8 Feedback to Piping Drawings
The comments recorded in the minutes of meeting will be incorporated in the model by the model maker, who in case of doubt will refer to the piping squad leader.
After incorporation of the comments in the model and check by the lead piping squad leader and project engineer the comments are incorporated in the piping design documents.
5. Flowchart
6. References
Document Number |
Title |
Level |
CM-PE-505 |
Design Models |
2 |
BN-GP-4 |
Preparation of Minutes of Meeting |
2 |
BN-DG-C5 |
Design Guide for Conducting Model Reviews |
5 |
BN-DG-C6 |
Design Guide for Checking of Design Model and Definition of Percentage Completion |
7. Attachments
1. Model Review Form
Project No. | Model Review | Unit No. | ||
Client: | Comments | Dwg No. (flowsheet) |
Item No. | Item Description | Decision taken During Meeting | Action by | Remarks |