Table of Contents
1. Procedure
This procedure consists of two parts. The first part contains the procedural rules; the second covers the administrative execution and the link with the Home Office Time Administration (Ref 3.1).
1.1 Application
This procedure is valid for the Company offices in <city>, and applies to permanent and temporary personnel as well as personnel employed by other Company offices who are on assignment to <city>.
Employees, who work in the Company Restaurant, Communications Centre, Reception, Inspection and work in a rotation system such as alternating working hours or shifts, are excluded from this procedure.
1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 Flexitime
The hours between 07:00 and 09:00 (start of work) and between 12:00 and 13:30 (lunch time) and between 15:30 and 17:30 (end of work) are called "flexitime".
1.2.2 Core Time
The hours within which each employee is expected to be present (with the exception of the lunch break) runs from 09:00 to 15:30 and is called "core time".
1.2.3 Lunch Break
The lunch break may be taken between 12:00 and 13:30 and shall not be less than half an hour per day according to present legislation.
1.2.4 Standard Working Time
Normal working time is 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week (see Green Book, Section B, para. 3.1 and 3.2). The standard working hours are from 08:15 to 12:15 and from 12:45 to 16:45.
1.2.5 Diagram
The "flexitime", "core time" and "standard working time" are reflected in the diagram below:
1.3 Regulations
1.3.1 Starting/Finishing Time
The employee may choose to start work within the flexitime between 07:00 and 09:00 hours, and may finish between 15:30 and 17:30 hours.
1.3.2 Minimum Working Time
The minimum working time is 6 hours per normal day.
1.3.3 Maximum Working Time
The maximum working time is 10 hours per normal day.
1.3.4 Balance of Hours
The hours worked will be totalled each day and a positive or negative balance in relation to the normal working time of 8 hours per day will be registered. The total positive balance shall not exceed 40 hours. A balance of more than 40 hours will be reduced automatically to 40.
The total negative balance shall not exceed 10 hours. In case of a negative balance of more than 10 hours, the hours in excess may be considered as unapproved absence.
It is to the discretion of the Cost Center Manager - in consultation with the Manager Human Resources - that such unapproved absence may lead to the employee being excluded from participation in the Flexible Working Time Regulation, with a standard working time established for him/her and the obligation to make up for the hours short.
Repeated unapproved absence taken by the employee may result in dismissal; in which case any negative hours will be deducted from the salary payment.
A positive or negative balance may only be reduced or increased by working either shorter or longer hours within the parameters of this procedure.
Settlement by monetary compensation, overtime or extra leave is not possible, unless specifically approved by Management.
1.3.5 Overtime
The current Overtime Regulation as contained in the Green Book, Section B, paragraph 9.0 remains valid.
Overtime on working days Monday through Friday, starts after the completion of the normal working time of 8 hours per day or 40 hours a week and has to be a minimum of 1 hour.
When the working hours, after the lunch break, exceeds 5½, a compulsory break of half an hour must be taken. Hours worked on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays will automatically be registered as overtime.
1.3.6 Obligation to Register
Each employee is obliged to register his daily working time with the badge issued to him.
This registration must take place:
- at the start of the working day,
- at the end of the working day.
It is expected to register at the beginning and at the end of the lunch break for:
- employees who are planning to take a lunch break of more than half an hour,
- employees who leave the office building.
One half hour (legal minimum) or the actual time of absence will be deducted from the daily balance.
1.4 Absence
1.4.1 Absence for a complete day due to illness or a business trip will be calculated as 8 hours.
1.4.2 If an employee is absent for part of the day due to illness, business trip or a visit to a doctor, and enters or leaves the office building during the core time (09:00-15:30 hours) the working hours for that day will not exceed 8 hours.
1.4.3 Absence due to vacation, special leave or a day-off counts for 8 hours per day or 4 hours for half a day.
If an employee takes a morning off, he must be at work not later than 13:30. If an afternoon off is taken, it is only permitted to leave during the morning core time after permission from the Cost Center Manager has been obtained.
1.4.4 The rules relating to sickness, as stated in Section B, paragraph 11.0 of the Green Book remain valid. When undergoing treatment from a Specialist, the employee must complete the form "Declaratie Werkverzuim", obtainable from the Human Resources or Accounting Department, as these hours are compensated for by the "Bedrijfsvereniging". This form must be submitted in duplicate with the time sheet.
1.5 Supplementary Conditions
1.5.1 Restrictions
Should it, by exception, be considered necessary, the Cost Center Manager has the right to decide that an employee must be present at a specified time within the flexitime.
1.5.2 Failing to Register
In the event that an employee forgets to clock in, the employee will be considered to have started at the beginning of the core time.
In the event that an employee forgets to clock out, the employee will be considered to have left at the end of the core time.
When an employee fails to bring his badge to work, he must report to the reception desk. The receptionist will register the starting and departure time.
1.5.3 Part-Timers
Part-timers may participate in the Flexible Working Time Regulation, only after agreement with the Human Resources Department.
2. Administrative Execution
2.1 Entrance Check
Each employee will be issued a badge as shown below.
< example is not available >
This badge will be used for:
- turnstiles
- time registration
- payment in the Company Restaurant
- doors in main entrance hall leading to the garage.
For the use of the turnstiles and time registration, badge readers have been installed. Badges must be inserted with the arrow pointing forward.
Office areas are only accessible by passing the turnstiles in the main entrance hall.
Badges of personnel working in protected areas, i.e. Communications Centre, Computer Operations, Print Room, Reception and Company Restaurant will have an extra code for access to these working areas. For some projects separate coded badges are introduced for entering those protected areas.
Right of entry, other than through the main entrance, will be granted by the Manager General Services on the recommendation of the appropriate Cost Center Manager.
2.2 Time Registration
Time registration is carried out by means of the terminals in the elevator hall.
The terminal consists of a built-in reader, a display, a dot matrix and four push buttons. The time of the current day is always visible in hours and minutes.
To register the arrival and departure time, one of the four buttons must first be pressed. The coloured buttons are used for:
After pressing the correct button, the badge must be inserted (text and arrow up). The arrow indicates the direction in which this must be done.
On the dot matrix, a symbol will appear which matches that of the button which has been used. The computer will check whether registration is correct. It is not possible to make two consecutive arrival registrations. After a departure registration, only an arrival registration can be made.
If the sequence of registration is incorrect, this will be indicated by a beeping signal and simultaneously an will be displayed.
If the badge is used incorrectly then a will be displayed.
The daily routine for each employee of at least two registrations:
- an arrival registration at the start of the wo consists rking day,
- a departure registration at the completion of the working day.
Registration at the beginning and at the end of the lunch break is compulsory for:
- employees who are planning to take a lunch break of more than half an hour,
- employees who leave the office building.
When the badge has been inserted in the terminal, a balance will be displayed. This balance is the number of plus or minus hours that has been worked in relation to the normal time of eight hours per day (part-timers have, of course, a different normal time).
To determine the balance, one must realize that at the beginning of each working day, the balance of the previous working day has been reduced by the normal time of that coming day. Hence, when an employee clocks in, a balance is displayed to which the hours still to be worked for that day must be added; these hours must, after all, still be "earned". The hours worked will be continually calculated into this balance. The example given below should clarify this.
mon | tues | wed | thurs | fri | |
Total displayed at the start of the day | -8 | -7 | -7 | -9 | -9 |
Hours currently worked on that particular day | 5 | 5 | |||
Interim totoal (requested by yellow button | -2 | -4 | |||
Worked hours at day end | 9 | 8 | 6 | 8 | 9 |
Total balance at day end | +1 | +1 | -1 | -1 | 0 |
The balance returns to zero on every Sunday. The total balance of flexitime hours will be reflected on the Weekly Time Report Form; Attachment 1.
At entering or leaving the building during the core time due to a business trip, the terminal has been programmed to register the employee at 08:15 hours for arrival time, and at 16:45 hours for departure time. In order to process this registration in the system, the black button must be pressed at clocking-in or out.
This symbol is displayed.
The system converts the actual arrival/departure time to respectively 08:15 and 16:45 hours and amends the balance accordingly.
2.3 The Black Button
The black button is used to register absence because of business trips. The black button is not to be used in combination with other buttons, as the computer will itself determine whether it is an exit or entry booking.
If such a visit is made before coming to work, on arrival the employee should clock in with the black button and the actual arrival time will be registered, but the working day will be calculated from 08:15 hours.
When the employee makes a business trip during the day, he should clock out with the black button and the actual departure time will be registered, but will be converted to 16:45. Should the employee return on the same day he should book in with the black button.
2.4 Normal Time and Overtime
Registration of the hours worked will be based on clocking-in and clocking-out, which will be shown on the time report as of an arrival time of 07:00 hours.
Overtime hours which are shown on the time report can be booked to flexitime.
When overtime is transferred to flexitime, it is not permitted to claim a meal allowance.
Approved absence due to personal reasons will be charged against flexitime. Absence due to "force majeure" will only be Company-paid after approval from Management has been obtained.
2.5 Days to be Recovered
Each year the Company will determine a number of days to be taken by the employees as compulsory days off due to closure of the office. These days may be taken as a "vacation" day, or saved flexitime may be used. These dates will be agreed with the Works Council and published well in advance.
Should the compulsory days off make your negative balance more than 10 hours, job no. B0110 (vacation) should be used.
2.6 Corrections
Corrections can be made following article 3.2.2 of the Procedure for Weekly Time Reporting; Ref. 3.1.
3. References
Procedure Number | Title | Level |
3.1 - CM-MA-801E | Procedure for Weekly Time Reporting | 2 |
4. Attachments
1. Weekly Time Report
< not available >