Table of Contents
The purpose of this procedure is to define the requirements for the use of the Minutes of Meeting (MoM) forms for both project meetings and non-project meetings.
The minutes shall be typed on forms UE(1)-4-1, which is used as the first page, and UE(1)-4-2, which is used as the continuation page(s).
The Chairman of the Meeting is responsible for assigning the author of the minutes.
The Author is responsible for minuting the meeting in accordance with this procedure.
The Project Secretary is responsible for registering and keeping a record of all minutes of meeting for the project.
The Department Secretary is responsible for registering and keeping a record of all non-project minutes of meeting for the department.
The Chairman of the Meeting shall assign an author before the meeting takes place.
The minutes shall be prepared by the author.
4.1 Headings
The Author shall complete the essential headings on the form, includ ing the meeting number, acquired from the project/department secretary and, as appropriate, the subject, date, job number, Client's name, and place of meeting.
The Project Procedure and Execution Manual defines the sequential number of the minutes for project meetings.
The department manager shall dictate the numbering system for non project minutes.
4.2 Content
The author shall complete the minutes as follows:
- Number and cover each topic discussed.
- Keep the comments brief and concise.
- For action items, indicate the person who is to take the action (use column "Action to be taken by") i.e. Company (FLvdL).
- The names of all persons (companies) present at the meeting shall always be listed under item no. 1.0.
- A brief description of the purpose of the meeting shall always be given under item no. 2.0.
If the project has a special distribution sheet this should be used as a cover to the minutes. If not, the author shall indicate, at the end of the minutes the distribution list showing the names of all people and companies who will receive copies, including people belonging to the Company organization.
All project minutes of meeting shall be initialed by the author and signed and dated by the Chairman (Project Manager for Client meetings). When required by contract the Client's approval signature is placed in the allotted space. All other minutes (non-project) shall be signed and dated by the Chairman.
4.3 Issuing of Minutes
When reproducing the minutes for distribution, printing on both sides of the paper is allowed.
Minutes should be issued promptly but no later than five (5) working days after the date of the meeting. However, important matters requir ing quick action shall be immediately brought to the attention of the people involved by AVO, memorandum, or copy of the draft minutes.
The Project Secretary shall register and keep a record of all project minutes of meetings.
The Department Secretary shall register and keep a record of all non-project minutes of meetings originating from that department.
Draft minutes (hand written) prepared during meetings with vendors/ subcontractors or others, (e.g. bid clarification meetings) should be signed by the chairman and the other parties (vendor/subcontractor/ client) to confirm their agreement before the formal minutes are typed.
1. Example of a minutes of meeting.
Attachment 1 - Sheet 1 of 2
Attachment 1 - Sheet 2 of 2