Lighting Installation

Table of contents
  1. Installation Requirements
  2. Installation of Lamp Fittings
  3. Marking of Equipment
  4. General Installation Requirements

Installation Requirements

Installation of Branch-Circuit Cabling
Normally the branch-circuit cabling and the routing of its supporting system are not indicated on the design drawings and shall be determined by Contractor in consultation with the Engineer.

For the determination of the branch-circuit cabling the local junction boxes indicated on the design drawings with the purpose to supply parts of the overhead lighting installation shall be taken into account. These junction boxes shall always be fed from lighting distribution boards by a (looping) underground cable.

In addition to the requirements, refer to General Requirements-Supports of this procedure, considerations for the routing of these cables shall include the possible installation of outriggers to support trays, lighting fittings, etc. to structural steelwork that should be fireproofed (by others). This shall be done at the earliest possible time to prevent later damage of fire proofing.

If specified, branch-circuit cabling and routing shall be recorded and marked up by Contractor on the “as built” drawings.

Splices in lighting circuits may be made by means of screw-on connectors with spring (unless forbidden by the rules imposed by the classification of the area in relation to explosion danger) or a properly rated 4 way connector block both enclosed in junction boxes.

For lighting cables the actual use of colours shall be consistent and in principle in accordance with the local regulations, but in any case the neutral shall be blue and the earth core in unarmoured cable green-yellow. (Refer to Power Installation-Connection of Cable Conductors, actual colours).

Lighting cables may be bunched into more layers in cable trays. (refer to Power Installation-Connection of Cable Conductors, Only two layers ...).


Installation of Lamp Fittings

Locations of lamp fittings as indicated on the design drawings are approximate only and shall be determined exactly by Contractor.

Determining of these locations shall be guided by the following considerations:

No interference with pipelines and equipment.

No obstruction of normal clearances of passage-ways for personnel and equipment during both normal operational and maintenance periods. (Particularly by fittings for illumination of gauge glasses.)

No mounting directly over or within a distance of 30 cm from hot equipment or from releases of corrosive fumes. (Maximum acceptable temperature is 40°C unless fittings specially designed for high temperature are involved.)

No supporting from plant equipment or process piping.

Supporting from fire proofed structures only if suitable outriggers have been installed (Refer to Installation Requirements on this page, In addition to the requirements ....).

Relamping facilitated in a safe and easy way, preferably without the use of any auxiliary equipment.

Uniform illumination achieved on the working floor or area.

Floodlights mounted at sufficient elevation and directed such that direct rays in the eye or in a T.V. camera (when installed) are avoided.

For lamp fittings without internal through-wiring (e.g. pole mounted type) a separate junction box shall be installed.

If fluorescent lamp fittings are used an equal number of inductive and capacitive fittings shall be connected to a circuit or phase.

Single pin, instant start, fluorescent tubes shall be inserted in their lamp fittings in such a way that the starting strips are anti-parallel.


Marking of Equipment

All lampfittings, junction boxes, switches and convenience outlets shall be durably tagged on a fixed part of them with the number of the circuit that they have been connected to.

For the coding system of lampfittings as used on design drawings to indicate their type, way of mounting and circuit no. see standard BN-DS-E8.


General Installation Requirements

Mounting height above finished floor level are for:

  Indoors Outdoors
Lighting switches 1200 mm  
Convenience outlets 600 mm