Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. General
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Numbering of Documents
  5. References

1. Purpose

This work instruction describes the coding structures and numbering codes which apply to the identification of documents produced by Company on a project.

2. General

All Company project documents as listed in this procedure (section. 4.1 through 4.8) shall be numbered in accordance with this procedure.

Changes to any element of the project document number coding structure shall be made only with the approval of the Project Manager. The structure and coding is essentially fixed.

Client document number requirements are defined in the Project Procedure and Execution Manual (PPEM), (ref. 5.4).

If Client's document numbers are to be used, Company document numbers shall also be allocated and shall be put near to the title block of each document (ref. 5.3). The Company document number will be used for internal references, cost control system, filing and distribution purposes. Any proposed deviation shall be approved by the Project Manager.

Supplier documents will be numbered by the Supplier/Manufacturer/Subcontractor as stipulated and requested in the General Specification for Suppliers Furnished Documents.

Project Communications shall be numbered in accordance with the Project Procedure and Execution Manual and/or instructions.

2.1 Legend to Basic Document Numbering System

The following alpha/numeric characters are used in formatting a document number,

(1)   (2)   (3) (4)

(1) Alpha characters within the quotation marks refer to prefixes given to specific documents (e.g., “PP” for centrifugal pumps).

(2) One alpha character is shown as A.

(3) Two numeric characters are shown as NN.

(4) One or more characters between brackets are optional and depend on the type of document. If document numbers require segregation, dashes shall be shown. If no segregation is required, the document number shall be written without spacings.

3. Responsibilities

The Project Manager is responsible that for project documents this procedure is adhered to and that any deviation to the standard coding structure is approved. He is also responsible for defining any Clients document number requirements, (ref. 5.4).

The Lead Specialist Engineer is responsible for ensuring that project document numbers are assigned in accordance with this procedure (and Client document numbers, in accordance with the PPEM, if required).

4. Numbering of Documents

The Project Manager shall ensure that only unique document numbers will be allocated. Document numbers may only be allocated once. If documents are declared "void", the document number shall not be re-used.

4.1 Project Procedures

(1)   (2)   (3)

A supplement to the Company standard procedures or a project dedicated procedure shall be numbered as follows:


(1) Project number (2) As defined per project/proposal.
(2) Prefix
  • "PP" for Project Procedure
  • "PPE" for Project Procedure and Execution Manual.
(3) Serial number
  • Sequential number i.e., 001 to 999.
  • Project procedure for project 1111 describing the interdepartmental/ interdiscipline control activities for documents furnished by Suppliers.
  • Project procedure for project 1111 describing the project cost control activities.
  • Project Procedure and Execution Manual for Project 1111.


4.2 Guides, Standards and Specifications

4.2.1 Company Guides, Standards and General Specifications

(1)   (2)   (3) (4)

A supplement to a company guide, standard and/or specification used for a project, or a new project dedicated guide, standard and/or specification, shall be numbered as follows:

(1) Project number
  • As defined per project/proposal
(2) Type of document  
- Engineering DG - Design Guide
DS - Design Standard
EG - Engineering Guide
ES - Engineering Standard
SP - Specification
- Others G - Guide
S - Standard
(3) Project cost code
  • Company project cost code. The detailed cost code and cost code number (between brackets) are optional.
This cost code number may only be used in conjunction with the following PCC codes:
  UE1 - Engineering Process
UE2 - Engineering Project
UK0 - Project Management
UK1 - Estimating
UK2 - PMS Systems & Support
UK3 - Cost Engineering
UK4 - Planning & Scheduling
UP1 - Purchasing
UP2 - Inspection
UP3 - VPC/Expediting
(4) Serial number
  • Sequential number i.e., 01 to 99.
1111-SP-UK001 Specification for site QA control requirements for subcontractors
1111-SP-K10 Specification for instrument testing, calibration and acceptance

4.2.2 Equipment, Material Specifications and Data Sheets

(1)   (2)   (3) (4) (5) (6)


(1) Project Number
  • As defined per project/proposal.
(2) Type of Document
  • The following codes shall be used for project specifications/data sheets:
  • Electrical Data Sheet
  • Electrical Motor Data Sheet
  • Equipment Specification for Package Unit (consisting of data sheets of package unit elements) or a collection of similar equipment
  • Mechanical Data Sheet
  • Noise Data Sheet
  • Process Data Sheets
  • Supplier Furnished Data Sheet
  • Project Specification for Materials, Buildings etc.
(3) Cost Code/stem sub
  • Examples
  • piping
  • centrifugal pumps
  • package units
(4) Unit Number (if applicable)
  • Sequential number 01 to 99, default 00.
(5) Serial Number
  • Sequential number 01 to 99 followed by an (optional) alpha character.
(6) Code/Serial Number
  • To be used only for supplier furnished data sheets (e.g., for package units, see section 4.2.5).
  • Process Data Sheet for tower AS1201A.
  • Centrifugal pump specification for PP1102.
  • Specification for a collection of similar pumps.

Where drivers are ordered with the driven equipment, the data sheet for the driver is numbered as an additional sheet to the specification for the driven equipment.

e.g., 1111-EMD-PP1102  

Where drivers are ordered separately from the driven equipment, the driver data sheet shall be identified as for drivers supplied with the driven equipment.

Refer to section 4.2.5 for data sheet numbering of miscellaneous equipment belonging to package units.

4.2.3 Material Detailed Descriptions for Requisition Line Items (piping “C” account)

The technical descriptions and other pertinent technical details that refer to requisition line items are summarized in a document that shall be numbered “SP--- followed by the requisition number e.g.:


The requisition detail numbering system is further detailed in section 4.3.2.

4.2.4 Equipment, Material Specifications and Data Sheets for Control Systems

The Control Systems department produce equipment or material specifications using a word processing program. Such specifications may describe tagged equipment items or bulk materials. Tagged items are usually detailed in data sheets.

The material/equipment specification is named according to the naming convention for the pertinent requisition (see section 4.3.4) with an “S” suffix.

Data sheets are produced from a database program and are packaged as a single document. The document is named according to the pertinent requisition (see section 4.3.4) with a “T” suffix.

11112001-KV0101 typical control valve requisition
11112001-KV0101S associated material specification
11112001-KV0101T associated technical data sheet package.

4.2.5 Package Unit Data Specifications

Data sheet numbers for supplier furnished data sheets shall include the tag number of the package extended with a code/serial number related to subject equipment.


1111-EQS-PC1501 Centrifugal Compressor PC1501 (Package Unit)
1111-EMD-PC1501 Main E-Driver PC1501
1111-NDS-PC1501 Noise Data Sheet PC1501
1111-SFD-PC1501/E01 E-Motors Lubrication Pump(s)
1111-SFD-PC1501/E02 E-Motors for Noisehood Fan(s)
1111-SFD-PC1501/M01 Lube Oil Reservoir
1111-SFD-PC1501/P01 Lubrication Pump(s)
1111-SFD-PC1501/T01 Intercooler for PC1501
1111-SFD-PC1501/T02 Aftercooler for PC1501
1111-SFD-PC1501/T03 Lube Oil Reservoir Heater(s)

4.3 Requisitions

The arrangement below illustrates the basic structure of document numbers for requisitions. The structure is presented as a sequence of 4 blocks. Block 3 is not used for requisitions, but it is shown because the structure is essentially the same as for inquiries, (blanket) purchase orders and purchase order releases. For these documents block 3 is used.

(1)   (2) (3) (4)


(1) Project charge number
  • 8 digit project/proposal number as defined per project/proposal. Certain proposals have a 5 digit number commencing with “N”.
(2) Requisition number details
  • The first two alpha characters must equal the first two characters of the Company project cost code.
  For field Labor only, a single alpha character is used (see section 4.3.5).
  Within the “U” account only “UJ” may be used.
  The use of the numeric characters differs per discipline and is explained below (see section 4.3.1 thru 4.3.5). For certain disciplines, but not for piping, the first two numeric characters may be used to distinguish requisitions for different units (or other appropriate project subdivision).
  The Project Manager shall instruct all involved parties as to whether or not requisitions are to be prepared separately by unit (or other appropriate project subdivision).
(3) Purchase order/inquiry indicator
  • Not used for requisitions.
(4) Document suffix (piping requisitions only)
  • For piping requisitions only, this suffix (ANN) may be used to distinguish requisitions which originate from separate material summaries.
  Consecutive requisitions for bids have suffices: B01, B02 etc.
  Consecutive requisitions for purchase (or bids and purchase) have suffices P01, P02 etc.
  This suffix is also used to distinguish, if necessary, requisitions for different units (or other appropriate project subdivision).



11112001-PP0001 (1) (2)
  • Requisition for centrifugal pumps for project 11112001.
11112007-PP0001 (1) (2)
  • Requisition for spare parts for centrifugal pumps. In this example, 11112007 has been opened as charge number for spare parts for project 111120.
11112001-CD1001-B01 (1) (2) (4)
  • Requisition for carbon steel pipe, first material summary, quantities are for bids only.
11112001-CD1001-P02 (1) (2) (4)
  • Requisition for carbon steel pipe, second material summary, quantities are for purchase.

4.3.1 Requisition Number Details Mechanical Equipment

The Project Manager shall instruct all involved parties whether or not requisitions are to be prepared for each unit.

Equipment items are grouped for initial requisitioning purposes into logical groups according to size, material, type, etc. according to the basic cost codes (see Project Cost Code”).

During bid evaluation the decision may be made to split the requisition between two or more suppliers. The initial requisition will then be adjusted and (a) new requisition(s) shall be prepared to cover the items that will be ordered from other supplier(s).


  Requisition Issue Description Covering Items
To all selected suppliers A, B, etc. TT2001 1 Released for quotation TT2001/2009/2013/ 2024/2026
For supplier "A" (covering most items) TT2001 2 Released for purchase TT2009/2013/2024
For supplier "B" TT2004* 1 Released for purchase TT2001/2026

* TT2004 being the lowest available requisition number.

This requirement does not apply to bulk material requisitions.

4.3.2 Requisition Number Details for Piping “C” Account

The requisition numbers for the piping items are grouped into various components and materials.

For an index of standard requisition detail numbers reference is made to Attachment 2.

For an explanation of the basic structure of the requisition number details see section 4.3 block (2).

4.3.3 Requisition Number Details Electrical

The electrical requisitions shall in general be numbered as indicated in section 4.3.

The charge number shall be as defined for the project or proposal.

The requisition number details shall be a two character designation, starting with the stem account character “E” followed by a second stem sub character as per the standard Project Cost Code. The requisition numbers details are completed with four numeric characters. The first two shall be “00” unless the project/proposal requires some sort of split of the requisition, such as by area, unit or vendor.

The Company standard stem and stem sub characters for the electrical discipline are as follows:

  • ET
  • ES
Switchgears and MCC’s
  • EM
  • EK
  • EH
Heating and Tracing
  • EC
Communication Systems
  • EQ
Cathodic Protection
  • EF
Lighting Fixtures
  • EY
Miscellaneous Electrical Materials
  • EZ
Special Electrical Equipment

In case the project/proposal requires a split of the requisitions per area, unit or vendor then the first two numeric characters of the requisition number detail shall be used as the area or unit identification.

The electrical requisitions shall usually refer to the two following main related documents:

  • the data sheets
  • the specifications(s).

The data sheets and the specifications shall be listed in the “Attached or Referenced Document List” of the requisition and shall form an integral part of the requisition.

The data sheets and specifications shall be numbered in accordance with section 4.2.

4.3.4 Requisition Number Details Control Systems

Attachment 1 of the work instruction provides a representative list of standard control systems requisitions. The current standard list is maintained by the department in the “Control Systems Engineering Design Manual” as a printed copy of the electronic master list.

In general the nomenclature for control systems requisitions follows the format prescribed above with the following details.

Project Cost Code is a two character designation beginning with “K” (traditional designation for the department) followed by a character designating the type of equipment.


Examples: KA (analyzers); KF (flow measurement); KV (valves);
  KS (safety relief); KX (systems); KT (temperature); etc.

The next four places of the requisition number are numeric. The first two digits shall be ‘00’ unless the project requires some sort of split of the equipment account (such as by area, unit, or vendor). The final two digits define the core account.

Examples: KA0017
  • gas chromatograph;
  • control valves;
  • orifice plates.

If the project requires requisitions split between units, then the control valves requisitions might be:

  • KV0101 for unit 100 and KV0201 for unit 200.

As a further example, if two vendors must be used to provide all the gas chromatographs, the requisition KA0017 for bids might be split to KA2017 for one vendor and KA1017 for the other vendor.

Control systems requisitions usually reference two main related documents:

  1. the detailed specification narrative or write-up that is a word processing document that shall be named according to the core requisition number with the character “S” suffixed (for Specification);

  2. the technical data sheets package is generated by the database systems and shall be named according to the core requisition number with the character “T” suffixed (for Technical Data Sheets). See section 4.2.

4.3.5 Requisition Number Details Field

LaborRequisitions for field labor usually cover work involving several Cost Codes. Listed below are the standard requisition numbers for some frequently occurring cases:

  Requisition Number
Mechanical Works (Equipment Erection) A 0001 )
Buildings B 0001 )
Structural Steel Supply & Erect D 0001 )
Electrical Installation E 0001 )
Civil Work J 0001 ) 0002, etc.
Instrument Installation (refer Attachment I, sheet 4) K 0001 )
Insulation N 0001 )
Mechanical incl. Piping Prefab and Erection M 0001 )
Painting R 0001 )
Site Development S 0001 )
0001, 0002 are sequence numbers.  
Deviations from the above standard numbers shall be described in the Project Procedures and Execution Manual.

4.4 Inquiries, (Blanket) Purchase Orders & Purchase Order Releases

The arrangement below illustrates the basic structure of document numbers for, inquiries, (blanket) purchase orders and purchase order releases on projects.

(1)   (2) (3) (4)


(1) Project charge number
  • 8 digit project/proposal number as defined per project/proposal. Certain proposals have a 5 digit number commencing with “N”.
(2) Requisition number details
  • This number shall equal the requisition number details of the requisition on which the inquiry or purchase order is based.
  If a purchase order or any inquiry covers more than one requisition, the purchase order/inquiry number shall be based on the lowest requisition number. (For combined piping requisitions covering more than one type of material, see example below.)
  A purchase order for equipment/materials shall not combine requisitions with the first two (alpha) characters of the requisition number being unequal. (For example, an “MS” requisition and an “MR” requisition shall not be combined into one purchase order.)
(1) Purchase order inquiry indicator
  • For (blanket) purchase orders the character “A” is used. To identify split orders with different suppliers placed against one requisition consecutive characters (“B”, “C” etc.) will be used. Split orders are permitted for bulk materials only. (Section 4.3.1 explains how requisitions for purchase are issued to reflect split orders in case of mechanical equipment.)
  For inquiries the letters “RFQ” shall be used.
  For a subsequent inquiry based on the same requisition to other suppliers with possibly a different bid closing date the characters RFQ1 shall be used.
(1) Document suffix
(Blanket purchase order releases only)
  • This suffix (ANN) shall be used in cases of releases made against blanket purchase orders. The release orders are numbered consecutively as R01, R02 etc.




(1) (2) (3)
  • Inquiry for centrifugal pumps for project 11112001 covering requisition PP0001

(1) (2) (3)
  • Subsequent inquiry for centrifugal pumps for project 11112001 covering requisition PP0001 sent to different suppliers.

(1) (2) (3)
  • Purchase order for centrifugal pumps for project 1112001 covering requisition PP0001

(1) (2) (3)
  • Blanket order for piping materials covering requisitions for more than one material for example: CD1001, (requisition for carbon steel pipe), CD1005 (requisition carbon steel buttweld fittings), (CD2001 (requisition for stainless steel pipe) etc.

(1) (2) (3) (4)
  • First release against blanket order CD0001A covering, for example, requisition CD1001-P01, CD1005-P01, CD2001-P01 etc.

(1) (2) (3) (4)
  • Second release against blanket order CD0001A covering, for example, requisition CD1001-P02, CD1005-P02, CD2001-P02 & CD2005-P01 etc. (in this example, there were no stainless steel fittings (CD2005) in the first material summary).


4.4.1 Changes to Purchase Orders and Purchase Order Releases

Changes to purchase orders and blanket purchase orders shall be lettered "A", "B",... "Z", "AA", "AB" etc.

Revisions to Inquiries and release orders (to correct errors and omissions) shall be numbered 1, 2 etc.


Change order B
  • Change B to a Pump purchase order under project contract number 11112001.

revision 1
  • Revision 1 issued to correct an error in the first release order to the blanket purchase order for piping materials, CD0001A issued under project charge number 11112001.

4.5 Drawings

4.5.1 Single Sheet Documents

(1)   (2) (3) (4)   (5)


(1) Project number
  • As defined per project/proposal.
(2) Unit/area code
  • Unit and area numbers. If unit and area numbers are not used, "0000" shall be used.
(1)Drawing lead number
  • See Attachment 3.
(2) Suffix
  • One or two alpha characters.
(3) Serial number
  • To be used for bending schedules only.

The lead drawing of a subject will be identified with suffix character A, the next drawings of the same subject will be given consecutive characters. If the characters run out of the alphabet double characters will be applied e.g., AA, AB, etc. DO NOT use the characters I or O.

For numbering of bar bending schedules and HVAC drawings see following note:


  1. All drawings prepared for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) will have the same number as the pertaining architectural drawings with suffix AA.
  2. For bar bending schedules use suffix characters "S" after the lead drawing number, e.g., 1111-0002401A-S1, S2, S3 etc.

For assigning isometric numbers refer to section 4.5.2 and Attachment 3, note 1.

For assigning numbers to piping MTO input forms see ref. 5.2.


1111-5500151A Plot Plan Effluent Treatment
1111-5500151B Plot Plan Sludge Treatment
1111-0012107A Lead Engineering Flow Diagram for Unit 12
1111-5550107A Lead Engineering Flow Diagram for Unit 5550

4.5.2 Isometric Drawing Numbering Format

(1)   (2) (3)   (4) (5)


(1) Project number
  • As defined per project/proposal.
(2) Unit/area code
  • Unit and area numbers. If unit and area numbers are not used, four "0000" numeric characters shall be used.
(1) Drawing lead number
  • See Attachment 3.
(2) One alpha character
  • For isometric drawings default is “D”.
(3) Drawing sequence numbers
  • Three numeric characters started from 001, 002 etc.



4.5.3 Multi Sheet Documents

Multi sheet documents will carry one general document number as described under 4.5.1 followed by consecutive sheet numbers.

4.6 Planning Documents

(1)   (2) (3)   (4) (5) (6)


(1) Project Contract number
  • As defined per project/proposal.
(2)Planning prefix
  • "PL" shall be used
(1)Planning indicator
  • Indicating the type of planning document:
  Barchart - B Curve - C Histograms - H Keydate schedules - K Logic’s diagrams - L Manpower - M Networks - N Progress - P Reports - R
(4)Unit code
  • Unit code if applicable. Default 00
(5)Serial number
  • Sequential numbers
  000 - 009 Management Level
  010 - 099 Overall level
  100 - 999 Detail level
  100 - 199 HO Engineering
  200 - 299 Client
  300 - 399 Authority
  400 - 499 Commissioning
  500 - 899 Outside Services
  900 - 999 Construction
(6) Suffix
  • One alpha character if appropriate.

Planning documents only issued as part of a progress report will get the progress report number.

  • Planning curve for unit 50 issued to the Client (Phase 1).
  • Planning curve for unit 50 issued to the Client (Phase 2).

4.7 Sketches

(1)   (2)   (3) (4) (5) (6)


(1)Project number
  • As defined per project/proposal.
(2) Sketch prefix
  • "SK" shall be used
(3) Project cost code
  • Company project cost code indicating the type of sketch. The detailed cost code is optional.
(4)Unit code
  • Unit code if applicable. Default 00.
(5) Serial number
  • Sequential number i.e., 001 to 999.
(6) Suffix
  • One alpha character if appropriate.

Each discipline shall keep an up-to-date record of the sketch numbers used.

Sketches only issued as part of a specification/requisition will get the specification/ requisition number.

  • A structural sketch for unit 50.
  • A pipe support sketch for unit 20.

4.8 Calculations

Basic structure of calculation identification.

(1)   (2)   (3) (4) (5) (6)


(1) Project number
  • As defined per project/proposal.
  • "CALC" shall be used.
(3)Project cost code
  • Company project cost code.
(4)Unit/area code
  • Unit/area number.
(5) Calculation number
  • Equipment/drawing or sequence number.
(6) Suffix
  • Alpha character(s) if appropriate.

The number shall refer to the specifics of the calculation, e.g., calculation related to a tower shall be identified by its equipment number, electrical calculations can refer to a project cost code whereas a structural calculation shall be related to a drawing number.

For design calculations the character "Z" is added to the related drawing number.

Refer to Attachment 3 for the assignment of calculation numbers for authority engineering, process and control systems.

The elements of the basic structure are to be selected for the relevancy of the subject.

  • Tower calculation for AS1201A.
  • The first electrical calculation for transformers.
  • Short circuit calculation.
  • A structural calculation for drawing 0010734E where the letter "Z" is added for design calculation.

5. References

  Document Number Title Level


CM-PE-500 Preparation and Handling of Requisitions 2


BN-G-UE202 Bulk Material Management Execution Plan and Procedures (Attachment “H”) 5


CM-PE-504 Production of Engineering Documents 2


BN-S-UK001 Project Procedure and Execution Manual (Standard) 5


CM-PE-706 Vendor Print Control 2


BN-EP-240 Administrative Management of the Engineering Department 3


CM-MA-114 Allocation of Charge Numbers 2

Refer to BN-W-UE301_att