Table of Contents
1. Purpose
1.1 To supplement information contained in Procedure "Monthly Project Reviews" (ref.10.1) by establishing Periodic Detail Management Status Reviews of selected projects.
1.2 To establish a typical agenda for a Detail Management Review of a project.
1.3 To require the completion of a Standard Project Execution Checklist, to be available at the review.
1.4 To require that Project Control guidelines be reviewed by the Project team in preparing for a Detail Management Review. The intent is to ensure that an adequate level of Project Control activities is being used on each project.
It is appreciated that on some projects it may be decided, for whatever reason, not to spend the manhours required for standard Project Control. One of the main purposes of these Periodic Detail Management Reviews therefore is for Management to learn soon enough where standard Project Control procedures are not being utilized so that Management action can be taken as required.
1.5 This Procedure is applicable to projects being executed by Company and by joint ventures.
Also, during the Monthly Project Status Review of a project it may become evident that an early Detail Management Review is needed of the entire job or some component (Engineering or Procurement or Construction). Local Office Management shall then schedule a timely review whether or not it meets above guidelines.
2. General
Detail Management Reviews of selected projects should be scheduled periodically by the Manager Technical Operations to supplement the Monthly Project Status Reviews of projects (ref.10.1).
2.1 Detail Management Review guidelines in deciding on projects to be reviewed are summarized below:
a. fixed Price EPC Projects
b. fixed Price for Services and Fixed Price for other parts of the Project
c. fixed Price for Services > 25,000 Home Office Manhours
d. reimbursable > 50,000 Home Office Manhours
e. any projects involving guarantees and/or liabilities more stringent than Company standard conditions.
3. Responsibility
The Manager Technical Operations of this office, is responsible for assuring compliance with this procedure.
4. Procedure
4. Detail Management Reviews
At the conclusion of Monthly Review of Projects, dates shall be finalized for Detail Management Reviews that will take place in the next few months' time.
4.2 Typical Agenda
Attached is a typical agenda for Detail Management Review of a project. A suggested length for the review is 3-4 hours.
4.3 Standard Project Execution Checklist
The purpose of the review of the completed checklist by Company Management is to ensure that the project team is conforming with Company approved Project Execution Procedures.
The attached Standard Project Execution Checklist shall be made specific to the project and issued by Departmental Managers to the Project Team for the following sections of the project:
Project Management and Control
This Checklist shall be filled in by the Project Team before the Detail Management Review and copies of written answers and the most recent issue of the indicated Company standard documents shall be available at the review. If the Company standard document is not being used on the project, a reason must be given for not using it.
If a standard document is not being used due to a client request or lack of approved manhours and is considered by the Project Team important for satisfactory Company performance, it must be highlighted during the review for action by Company Management.
4.4 Project Management and Control - Guidelines
The attached Detail Project Management and Control guidelines shall be reviewed with the Project Team before the Detail Management review and reported on at the review by the Project Manager.
The purpose of this review is to ensure an adequate level of Project Control effort is being implemented to assure a successful project.
4.5 Follow-up After the Detail Management Review
Shortly after the Detail Management Review is completed, a preliminary draft report (verbal or written) of the results of the review is presented to the General Manager.
After comments on the report have been received a final report is issued to the General Manager, Product Line VP, Senior Program Manager and Manager Technical Operations including agreed upon actions to be taken on items brought up during the review.
5. Flowchart
6. References
Document Number | Title | Level | |
6.1 | CM-PE-315 | Monthly Project Reviews | 2 |
7. Attachments
Typical Agenda for an Initial Detail Management Review (ref. paragraph 4.2)
Standard Project Execution Checklist (ref. paragraph 4.3)
Project Management and Controls - Guidelines (ref. paragraph 4.4)
Items to be Presented During the Detail Project Review
Of Project :
Job No. :
Main Categories
- Project Overview
- Contract Conditions
- Engineering
- Procurement
- Construction
- Schedule Control
- Bulk Material Qualification and Materials
- Financial Status
- Quality Assurance/Quality Management
- Start-Up Preparation and Start
- Summary & Conclusion
1. Project Overview
a. Proposal Phase (if any)
b.Main Characteristics
c. Compare Actual Scope with Proposal
d. Client Relations
2. Contract Conditions
a. Terms & Conditions
b. Liabilities
c. Special Conditions
3. Engineering
a. Manhour Review
b. Quantity Control
c. Document Control
d. Scope Control
e. Highlight Problem Areas
4. Procurement
a. Payment Conditions
b. Purchasing Status
c. Delivery Times - Including Shipping Time to Site
d. Inspection Status
e. VPC Status
f. Spare Parts Responsibility
g. Highlight Problem Areas
6. Schedule Control
a. Overall Schedule Status
b. Engineering & Procurement
c. Construction
d. Milestone Achievements
e. Completion Percentage
f. Highlight Potential Risk Areas
7. Bulk Material Quantification and Material Management
a. Overall Procedure
8. Financial Status
a. Cost Status Company Services
b. Investment Cost Status
c. Change Control
d. Current Cost Outlook
e. High Potential Risk Areas
9. Quality Assurance/Quality Management
a. Review Conformance with Job Specific Quality Assurance Program
10.Start-Up Preparation and Start-Up
a. Company Responsibilities
11. Summary & Conclusions
a. Summarize Problems and Risk Areas
b. Recommendations to Solve these Problems and Minimize Risks
c. Highlight Other Areas that Need Management Attention
(1) Above typical agenda for a Company EPC project is intended to cover the initial Detail Review of a project. Subsequent review agendas should be adjusted as required.
(2) Project Manager should arrange with Presenters to prepare handouts for Management in order to cut down on the time to cover a topic. Handouts should include:
a. Copies of existing Company reports, letters, etc. to illustrate topics being reviewed.
b. Copies of task force input to the Project Execution Checklist.
Standard Project Execution Checklist
I. Purpose
Successful project execution depends on implementation of a number of activities that, if not followed, may result in quality, cost or schedule problems.
In an effort to list these important activities, the attached has been broken down into the following categories:
Project Management and Control
Engineering (including Process)
Procurement (including Subcontractors)
Construction (including Bulk Material Management)
II. a. Prior to a Detailed Project Review, Department Managers should review the attached list and modify it to be specific to the project being reviewed.
Departmental Managers should also list additional activities they would like checked not only for their departments, but perhaps to ensure other departments are doing what is needed for their Department's work.
b. The job specific list should be given to the Project Manager for distribution and filling out by his task force.
c. It is recognized there may be good reasons for not conforming with a checklist item. Note 1 on the checklist lists reasons which should be considered and noted on the checklist.
I. Project Management and Control Checklist *Note 1
(By Project Manager)1.
Is a signed contract available to project team?
Project kick-off meeting held (B) Client (A) Company.
Is contract renewed and all requirements identified?
Business/Risk liability meeting held.
Last Detailed Project Review held.
Next scheduled Detailed Project Review meeting will be held.
Project Procedure and Execution Manual including Document Distribution/Project Design Data/ Control Procedures/Construction.
If partial, what has been issued?
Monthly process report issued.
Engineering Change Notice register issued.
Project Change Bulletin register issued.
Change Order register issued.
Preliminary estimate issued.
Budget estimate issued.
Budget estimate update(s) issued.
Front-end schedule issued.
Home Office equivalent manpower curves issued.
Progress curves issued.
Schedule critical equipment list issued.
Equipment status report issued.
Cost, commitment and expenditure curves issued.
Project master schedule issued.
Discipline level schedules issued.
Construction schedules issued.
Cost report issued.
Current cost outlook issued.
Cost Sensitivity Analysis issued.
Bulk material control procedure issued.
Quantity tracking program implemented - Home Office.
Quantity tracking program implemented - Field
HO earned value progress measurement system implemented.
Accounts payable procedure issued.
Accounts receivable procedure issued.
Most recent client review meetings Project Level - Management Level
Is assignment letter issue including financial authorization limits for project manager, procurement manager and construction manager?
Is Company management approval being obtained for project approvals above authorization limits in item 34?
Does engineering agree that design basis information is sufficient to proceed with minimum re-work?
II. Engineering Checklist (By Engineering Manager or Project Engineer)
Is engineering proceeding in conformance with the scope of the current budget estimate?
Do specialist and design groups have copies of their section of budget estimate?
Are specialist groups obtaining project manager approval before proceeding with a change which affects the budget estimate?
Date last drawing schedule issued (partial/complete).
Has an area planning schedule been developed?
Have Process Flow Diagrams been issued?
Have P&I Diagrams been issued?
Do P&I Diagrams include miscellaneous items such as:
- heat tracing
- vents and drains
- pump seal diagrams
- compressor lube oil systems
- interlock matrix diagrams
Have line lists been issued complete with Mechanical Design Temperatures?
Date specification index and status issued.
Is a HAZOP review scheduled.
Are engineering drawings being issued based on approved vendor drawings?
Is Company satisfied with soil data information?
Is QA/QC program resulting in acceptable error rates in piping, civil, structural, etc.?
What are the quality audits that are completed?
(Attach List)
What are scheduled quality audits?
(Attach List)
Are General Arrangement Piping Drawings being used?
Have large bore isometrics been produced?
Have small bore isometrics been produced?
On large bore isometrics are all field supports, guides, hangers, anchor and details appearing on spools?
Are major pipe supports being shown on foundation locations?
Are building drawings being cross-referenced between disciplines such as electrical, lighting, foundation location plans?
What numbering system (equipment, drawings, etc.) is being used?
Are drawings that require authority approvals identified?
Do we know what drawings require a professional engineer's stamping?
How is this stamping being implemented?
Is drawing issue status being input monthly to the overall engineering schedule?
Is a model being used?
What type of model is being used?
If only study general arrangement drawings are being prepared because there is a model -- how are the isometrics being checked?
Other than HAZOP reviews is a Safety Program being implemented for (A) Home Office (B) Construction.
III. Procurement Checklist (By Project Procurement Manager)
1. Last inquiry status report issued.
2. Last purchase order register issued.
3. Last procurement status report issued.
4. Date approved world-wide equipment and commodity bidders list issued.
5. Date approved subcontractors list issued.
6. Date shipping plan issued.
7. Were subcontract general conditions reviewed by legal department?
8. Are equipment erection purchase orders being reviewed with construction before order placement?
9. Date supplier quality control/ inspection plan issued.
10. Has an expediting plan been issued?
11. What is average turnaround time for drawings?
12. Are there any open ended blanket type purchase orders? If yes, list the orders?
13. How are cost forecasts being made for open ended orders?
14. Are Bid Analysis pricing information being distributed within Company on a confidential "need to know" basis?
15. Have instructions been issued not to let confidential bid analysis information lie around on desks particularly overnight and on weekends?
16. Are spare parts quotes being obtained where required?
17. If required, are they being asked for with original inquiry?
18. Has subcontract plan been finalized?
19. Are subcontract pre-bid conferences being held with all bidders?
20. Is project management, procurement, engineering, and construction approval being obtained before making subcontract commitments?
21. Is job procedure in place concerning back-charging suppliers for faulty work?
22. Are invoice discounts being obtained for prompt payment of suppliers invoices?
23. If a mechanical catalog is required, have arrangements been made to obtain and file sufficient numbers of vendor data?
IV. Construction Checklist (By Project Construction Manager)
Detailed construction schedule issued?
Detailed construction budgets established?
Subcontract plan issued?
Last review by home office of cost control status and effectiveness at the job site.
Construction safety manual issued including client safety requirements.
What is safety performance to date.
(Attach Summary)
Date Warehouse was ready to receive material?
Date last month progress report issued.
Vendor back charge procedure implemented?
Has a procedure been prepared for preservation at site of equipment and materials?
Is it being implemented as written?
Are Company's mechanical completion and pre-startup responsibilities being implemented?
Is a team building program being implemented?
What is job rate for following:
absenteeism _________
turn-over _________
Did construction perform constructability reviews during engineering?
Did construction provide input to:
× Overall project master schedule?
If shutdowns are required to complete construction, have dates been established for the shutdowns?
Is construction familiar with contract, Company's responsibilities, items of reimbursable costs, items of non-reimbursable costs, etc.
Date approved Company construction chart issued.
Extra Work Authorization register issued?
Field change order register issued?
Field purchase order register issued?
Has a cost of field non-conformance report been issued?
Extra Work Authorization register issued?
If so, are they being reviewed by Construction before release to bidders.
Are subcontract budgets being established before bids are issued?
Not all entries are applicable to all jobs. When completing Checklist, replies such as the following should not be used:
a. yes, if document has been issued
b. later with a forecasted date
c. not applicable (N/A).
d. dates where requested
1. Proposal and Contract
1.1 Did Project Management/Control review the proposal before transmittal to Company management and the client?
1.2 Was the contract draft reviewed by Project Management/Project Control? Did Project Manager participate in Contract discussions with client?
1.3 Is there adequate cost, schedule and material control definition in the proposal and contract?
1.4 Is there adequate scope definition in the proposal and contract?
1.5 Is there an adequate scope change clause included in the proposal and contract?
1.6 Are the cost, schedule and material reporting requirements adequately defined in the proposal and contract?
1.7 Is there adequate definition of "responsibilities in the proposal and contract"?
1.8 Is there a clear definition of "reimbursable"?
1.9 Is Company's risk clearly stated?
1.10 Are the programs outlined in the proposal feasible with the resources available?
1.11 Does the Proposal Schedule reflect the best available current information (licensing permits, schedules, and delivery lead times for the supply of major components)?
1.12 Has a preliminary manpower evaluation been made, and manpower curves developed?
1.13 Have anticipated bulk quantities been analyzed and production curves developed?
1.14 Does schedule and related data correlate with the proposal cost data?
2. Budget Control
2.1 Is the Project Manager/Project Control Manager familiar with the details of the proposal and the contract?
2.2 Are all the contract documents and back-up available to the Project Control Manager?
2.3 Are contractual requirements followed with regard to cost, schedule and material control and reporting?
2.4 Does the project have an original proposal and contract?
2.5 Does the project have an original budget and schedule?
2.6 Does the project have a current budget and schedule?
2.7 Is there are scope change procedure commencing with preliminary estimate through definitive estimate and a reconciliation of the original and current budget? Are Engineering Change Notices used to track changes to preliminary estimate scope?
2.8 Does the current budget reflect the approved scope of work? Does it reflect the manner in which the work is actually being done?
2.9 Is design/construction progressing in accordance with the budget/current budget (Project Progress Curves)?
2.10 Is there a set of Project Progress Curves for Engineering/Construction?
2.11 Is budget/schedule adjustment an integral part of the change order procedure? Is it documented?
2.12 Is there a single document with all the pending budget/schedule adjustments?
2.13 Are copies of the estimate back-ups forming the basis of Budget estimate distributed to the disciplines working on the project? Have they been made aware of their responsibility to inform Project Manger before changes are made to the basis of the estimates.
3. Code of Accounts
3.1 Is there a project code of accounts? Is the project code consistent with Company standards?
3.2 Does it satisfy client reporting requirements?
3.3 Is the code reasonable in format and does it facilitate control and scheduling of the job?
3.4 Is the code of accounts being followed as originally established?
3.5 Are the supplementary detail accounts consistent with the level of detail in the overall code?
3.6 Are the revisions to the code approved and issued by home office cost engineering?
3.7 Is the cost engineer solely responsible for proper coding? Where split forecasting is implemented, is the established "split" in coding responsibilities between the field and home office being observed?
3.8 When coding discrepancies between home office and field exist, is the cost supervisor taking the initiative to resolve the differences?
3.9 When adjustments are made to cost and commitment, is there sufficient documentation and coordination between home office and field?
4. Pre-Budget Estimate Update Program
4.1 Is the Pre-Budget Estimate Update Program being followed?
4.2 Does the estimator have the necessary information for the Pre-Budget Estimate Update Program?
4.3 Does the estimator have a good understanding of the required initial control program?
4.4 Does the project team effectively support the estimator in obtaining design information?
4.5 Are Estimate Update summary reports published monthly? Submitted to the client monthly on reimbursable jobs? Reviewed with the client monthly?
4.6 Are dollar values assigned to all update notices?
4.7 Does the estimator attend major project meetings?
4.8 Is there effective support from the Project Manager/Control Manager to the estimator?
4.9 Is the required documentation maintained?
4.10 Does the project control manager review major cost trend items in detail?
4.11 Is the program effective as a cost control tool?
5. Change Control
5.1 Is the Project Variations procedure being followed?
5.2 Are change orders processed in a timely manner? Approved by the client?
5.3 Is the change order procedure integrated with the change alert and deviation program?
5.4 Is a deviation register being maintained?
5.5 Is the scope description of change orders sufficient to allow the preparation of estimates?
5.6 Do estimates for change orders conform to the code of accounts to facilitate budget adjustment?
5.7 Are all concerned departments notified of the possible change and is their output solicited?
5.8 Are the change orders properly incorporated into forecast?
6. Quantity Development and Control
6.1 Is there a quantity tracking plan for the project?
6.2 Is there an agreed-upon division of responsibility for the Quantity Tracking Program? Do both Engineering and Construction have a good understanding of their responsibilities?
6.3 Is the level of detail of tracking identified?
6.4 Are the items (by category and by commodity) being tracked and clearly identified?
6.5 Is the technique of quantity tracking understood by the project team?
6.6 Is the frequency of updating on quantity tracking being identified?
6.7 Does the format of quantity ledgers, registers, or files have sufficient, yet not excessive detail for project control?
6.8 Is the start date on tracking for each category and commodity identified?
6.9 Is Engineering supporting the Quantity Tracking Program?
6.10 Does Engineering have a budget for quantities? Are the disciplines aware of their section of the budget? Are they trying to design within their budget?
6.11 Are installed quantities reviewed by the engineers, where applicable, to verify the forecast quantities?
6.12 Do the quantity takeoffs reflect the quantities designed to date? Does this agree with the reported degree of completion for engineering?
6.13 Are the installed quantities reconciled with the designed, forecasted, and purchase quantities?
6.14 Is the budget quantity for design effective and recognized by Engineering?
6.15 Is the budget used to control the scope by comparing budgeted quantities to design quantities?
7. Commitment Control
7.1 Is the Accounts Payable Procedure implemented for the project Cost and Commitment Program adequate for Cost Control purposes?
7.2 Is there continuous training and supervision support towards ensuring accurate data is input to the A/P system?
7.3 Does the Project Manager/Control Manager devote time to review the Cost Reports?
7.4 Are the divisions of responsibilities between field and home office clearly delineated in writing?
7.5 Is there a procedure/flow diagram on the Cost and Commitment Program for this project?
7.6 Is there a clear understanding and agreement on the definition of commitment?
7.7 Is there only one Cost and Commitment ledger?
7.8 Is the Cost and Commitment Program used in forecasting?
7.9 Are the descriptions and quantity data adequate?
7.10 Is there consistency in coding between field and home office?
7.11 Is home office in charge of cost coding and continuously resolving discrepancies between home office and field coding?
7.12 Is there a well-maintained system to handle adjustments of cost and commitment to accounts?
7.13 Are there sufficient documents on adjustments between home office and field?
7.14 Is the quantity data in the Cost and Commitment Report in line with other quantity information?
7.15 Have all commitments been reviewed so that there are no accounts were costs exceed commitments?
7.16 Are appropriate controls used to ensure that all costs and commitments are posted to the cost and commitment ledger?
7.17 Are minor field purchase orders committed as paid?
7.18 Are major open-end orders committed based on estimated, budgeted, or forecasted quantities? Are these commitments updated to reflect the latest quantity information?
7.19 Are commitments adjusted as purchase order payments are completed?
7.20 Is cost and commitment kept by purchase orders and cost code?
7.21 Can current commitments be easily checked on a monthly basis?
7.22 Can commitments be identified by purchase order and subcontract revision number?
7.23 Does the program have the ability to print out tax, freight and escalation?
7.24 Is the descriptive quantity data in the ledger adequate?
7.25 Is budget information properly shown?
7.26 Does the project cost engineer have a well-organized purchase order and subcontract file?
7.27 Does the project cost engineer receive or have access to material requisitions and material receiving reports?
8. Forecasts
8.1 Is the Cost Forecast procedure being followed?
8.2 Does Engineering provide support in forecasting design quantities?
8.3 Is there a status review of the field quantity ledger prior to forecast?
8.4 Is there a status review on field labor performance control system prior to forecast?
8.5 Is there a status review on Cost and Commitment Program prior to forecast.
8.6 Is there a status review on subcontract monitoring program including all subcontract change orders prior to forecast?
8.7 Is there a reasonable project schedule established as a basis for forecast prior to the forecasting effort?
8.8 Does the forecast make use of labor performance trend?
8.9 Is material cost forecast based on cost and commitment?
8.10 Are subcontract forecasts generated or reviewed in the field?
8.11 Is trend input properly incorporated into the forecast?
8.12 Is the Engineering and home office cost forecast consistent with departmental work plans?
8.13 Are back-charges properly considered in the forecast?
8.14 Are distributables added to change orders (home office and field)?
9. Conceptual Stage Schedules
9.1 Has Engineering reviewed and approved the engineering portion of the schedule?
9.2 Does the Project Master schedule cover major items to be purchased?
9.3 Does the schedule of major procurement items give consideration to market lead time expectations?
9.4 Does the schedule for deliveries of major items give consideration to market lead time expectations?
9.5 Has Engineering/Design work been initiated in accordance with schedule priorities?
9.6 Has development of the drawing index been initiated in accordance with schedule priorities?
9.7 Has a functional level engineering schedule been produced?
9.8 Is the Engineering Schedule in agreement with requirements of the Project Master Schedule?
9.9 Are schedules being monitored on a regular basis (not less than monthly)?
9.10 Are schedules reviewed, verified, and improved as designs become available?
9.11 Has a recovery plan been developed for elements of work not on schedule?
9.12 Has a Critical Items Report been initiated and issued monthly?
10. Detailed Schedules
10.1 Has the functional level detailed construction schedule been developed?
10.2 Have manpower and bulk quantity production requirements of the detailed construction schedule been analyzed and curves produced?
10.3 Do the schedules have the approval of the Construction as to logic and timing?
10.4 Have required delivery dates for project equipment been established from the detailed construction schedule.
10.5 Have the appropriate procurement lead times been established and approved for project equipment?
10.6 Have required dates for Request for Purchase (RP's) been established and reviewed with Engineering?
10.7 Has a Procurement Status Report (PSR) been initiated?
10.8 Is the PSR being maintained and updated at regular intervals?
10.9 Have drawing schedules been fully developed for project?
10.10 Do engineering schedules fully support procurement schedules and construction schedule? Have areas of differences been reconciled?
10.11 Has a specific list and schedule of subcontracts been developed and approved by the project team?
10.12 Are proposed subcontract scope and interfaces adequately defined?
10.13 Has Subcontract Program been integrated with engineering, procurement and construction schedules and are requirements compatible?
10.14 Are schedules monitored and maintained at regular scheduled intervals (not in excess of one month)?
10.15 Have plans been developed for schedule recovery or adjustment in any areas not on schedule?
10.16 Is the status of projects (with relation to schedules) regularly analyzed and reported to project team? To client?
10.17 Is action taken on Critical Items general satisfactory or are additional measures required?
11. Construction Schedules
11.1 Has the field planning and scheduling engineer provided expanded detail for the construction portion of the project schedule?
11.2 Is the construction schedule adequately definitive to establish time requirements and priorities for engineering releases and material and equipment deliveries?
11.3 Does the construction schedule meet all time goals established for the project?
11.4 Is the construction schedule fully coordinated with requirements of the start-up schedule?
11.5 Are subcontract schedules fully integrated into the construction schedule with all significant interfaces defined?
11.6 Does the procurement schedule fully support the detailed construction schedule?
11.7 Have alternate plans been prepared to compensate for any forecast late deliveries or subcontract awards?
11.8 Are engineering schedules developed in sufficient detail to illustrate their impact on Procurement and Construction?
11.9 Has a detailed start-up schedule been prepared?
11.10 Has an integrated Procedure Diagram (PDM) schedule been prepared? Computerized?
11.11 Are monitoring techniques effective and timely?
12. Start-Up And Turn-Over Stage Schedule
12.1 Has a complete list (punch list) of all incomplete construction items been prepared?
12.2 Has a complete list (punch list) of all incomplete start-up operations been prepared?
12.3 Has a detailed, integrated schedule been prepared showing the plan and schedule for completion of the punch list items?
12.4 Is the schedule used as a "working" document and current at all times by the field?
12.5 Are updated copies furnished to the home office at regular intervals (no less than twice monthly)?
12.6 Does the integrated schedule meet project time objectives?
12.7 Has a recovery plan been prepared for elements of work not on schedule?
13. Subcontract Administration Support
13.1 Has a project specific procedure been issued defining Construction and Home Office participation in Subcontract Administration?
13.2 Does Project Management/Control provide input to the development of the subcontract package?
13.3 Is there adequate bid item breakdown in the major subcontract packages?
13.4 Is an adequate method for monitoring the progress of the subcontract's cost and schedule written in the contract package?
13.5 Are division services requirements for contractors included in the package?
13.6 Does Project Management/Control participate in subcontract bid evaluation?
13.7 Does the Project Manager/Control Manager participate in pre-award meetings?
13.8 Is the project cost engineer familiar with the approved process of subcontract progress payments?
13.9 Is there a schedule penalty clause?
13.10 Is the project engineer involved in major change order evaluation?
13.11 Is there effective cooperation between the project cost engineer and subcontract administrator?
13.12 Does the Project Manager/Control Manager review major subcontract performance periodically at the job site?
13.13 Does the Field Cost Trend Program include subcontract performance?
13.14 Does the cost and scheduling supervisor review the major scope changes in detail and bring them to the attention of the Services Manager?
13.15 Are subcontract general conditions reviewed and approved by Company legal department?
14. Non-Reimbursable Costs
14.1 Is there a budget on non-reimbursable costs for the project?
14.2 Is the budget by department?
14.3 Are non-reimbursable costs continuously monitored?
14.4 Does the forecast include non-reimbursable costs?
14.5 Are the problem areas in the non-reimbursable costs brought to the attention of the project?
15. Cost Engineering Supervision And Support
15.1 Is there adequate training and orientation for the field cost engineer?
15.2 Does home office cost engineering participate in setting up adequate reporting and control systems for field cost engineering?
15.3 Does the job engineer provide support to the field cost engineer in enlisting assistance from other disciplines at the job site in order to implement control systems?
15.4 Is there a monthly review of control status and effectiveness at the job site?
15.5 Is pertinent information from other projects available to the field cost engineer?
15.6 Is there sufficient time allowed to review a forecast in detail in the field office?
15.7 Is there documentation and follow-up on forecast review and decisions?
15.8 Is the Executive Summary Report issued regularly.
16. Current Cost Outlook
16.1 Is the CCO procedure being followed?
16.2 Is back-up information to CCO readily available?
16.3 Is CCO in agreement with the Financial Management Summary?
17. Information From Engineering
17.1 Is the project cost engineer obtaining bid tabulations from Engineering?
17.2 Are bid tabulations transmitted to the functional group supervisors?
18. Client Records
18.1 Is the client informed of the latest forecast and schedule?
18.2 Are the client's records and report requirements known, planned for and being met?
18.3 Does the Project Control Manager, with the Project Manager's concurrence, have contact with the client?
18.4 Is there a plan to finish the client's retirement reports (project completion reports and property records).
18.5 Are the project cost codes and cost collection system sensitive to the client's report requirements?
18.6 Are monthly client reports on reimbursable jobs based on Cost and Commitment Program output?