Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. General
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Procedure
  5. Flowchart
  6. References
  7. Attachments

1. Purpose

This procedure is a guideline to be followed by all departments when interviewing a candidate for either a permanent or temporary Company employment contract position.

The Department Manager may, when the situation warrants, follow a shorter path to determine suitability of a candidate.

2. General

This procedure is to ensure that the interview will be carried out in a professional way and gives open and clear information to both sides.

Fundamental is that the interview will generate information on which can be determined whether a future cooperation will be beneficial to both parties.

3. Responsibilities

The Human Resources Department is responsible for the administration and personnel records and for executing the interview on social aspects.

The Department is responsible for executing the technical interview.

4. Procedure

4.1 General

Human Resources Department records C.V.'s in the "applicants system" and distributes them to the departments with a cover sheet.

The department concerned initiates the action for inviting an applicant for an interview by returning to the Human Resources Department the cover sheet and C.V. indicating date and time for the interview. The cover sheet should mention the representatives of the department who will interview the applicant.

The Department retains a copy of the cover sheet and of the C.V. of applicant they wish to interview.

The Human Resources Department records the interview date in the "applicants system" and sends the applicant a letter of invitation attaching a location map of the Company Office and an application form. The applicant is requested to confirm whether the date and time for the interview is convenient and to supply us with supporting information e.g. degrees, diplomas, certificates, lists of marks, testimonials etc. and the filled-out application form. This information is available for each interviewer upon request and is to be returned to the Human Resources Department.

A copy of the invitation letter is sent to the department concerned. One copy is filed in the Human Resources Department for action on the date of invitation

The Human Resources Department receives the applicant on the interview day, makes an introduction to Company (Organization and history), informs the applicant of the program for the interview and collects the necessary papers from the applicant and settles the travel cost (if applicable). Applicants living in The Hague and adjacent suburbs do not receive travel money. Thereafter the department concerned will collect the applicant for the professional interview.

Each interviewer is responsible that the applicant will be guided to the next interviewer and each interviewer should adhere to time schedule.

The Department concerned should address the following items:

  • The role of the department in the Company Organization.
  • The organization of the department.
  • The work of the department.
  • The position for which the applicant is invited.
  • Company's know-how.
  • Reason to change job.
  • Reason to select Company.
  • General ideas about the desired job.
  • Schools and University (marks, durations).
  • Choice of study.
  • Trainee periods in industry.
  • Discuss experience in former jobs, e.g. specific knowledge, supervisory work, depth of experience.
  • Present theoretical/practical problems to discover work approach and knowledge.
  • Personality (strong/weak points).
  • Motivation of applicant.
  • Long term ambitions and career planning.
  • Ability for cooperation (team work).
  • Present/desired salary.
  • Foreign assignments.
  • Supervisory abilities.
  • If the position requires a good command of the English language, the department should determine applicant's capability of that.
  • Special complications (secrecy, employee of client, etc.).
  • Are there any questions or special areas of interest?
  • Other information which may be important.
  • Other items brought forward by applicant.
  • Work related references, where applicable.
  • Explain to the applicant that interview reports of all candidates for the position will be compared and that he/she will be notified of the decision within three weeks. However, all candidates should be advised if more time is required for the decision.

The Human Resources Department should preferably be informed on the suitability of the applicant in order to proceed or limit the time of the Human Resources interview.

The Human Resources Department completes the interview and addresses the following subjects:

  • Commitments (military service, holidays, resignation period).
  • Company employment conditions.
  • Anti-smoke campaign.
  • Personal interests eg. hobbies.
  • Other information which may be important.
  • Other items brought forward by applicant.
  • Availability/Notice period with present employer. Earliest starting date.
  • Non work related references, if required. Applicant has to give permission to approach those referees for references/information.

4.2 Structure of the Interview

The interview will usually be carried out in the following sequence:

  • Reception and introduction to the Company by the Human Resources Department, 15 minutes.
  • Introductory interview by the department concerned, 45 minutes.
  • Each subsequent interview in the department concerned, 45 minutes.
  • Final interview in the Human Resources Department, 30-45 minutes.


The Process Department usually structures the interview such that the applicant is interviewed from 10:00 until ± 15:00 hrs with a lunch break together with one of the department interviewers.

In the event of the interview being extended into the lunch period, the applicant should be offered and accompanied to lunch in the Company restaurant.

If there are many suitable candidates for a vacancy, short screening interviews may be organized to avoid overloading of the department concerned. An extensive interview with the most promising candidates can then be held at a later date.

4.3 Reporting

All interviewers are requested to submit to the Department Manager an appraisal report within one day after the interview by using the Interview Data Sheet. Blank interview data sheets can be obtained from the print room. Each department may use for back-up or additional information their own developed sheet.

Interview Data Sheet should give the interviewers evaluation of:

  • General impression (attitude to work, presentation, quality of questions and answers, aggressiveness, introvert/extrovert, superficial/perfectionist)
  • Professional capability (useful experience, in-depth practical/theoretical knowledge, approach to problem solving, long memory search)
  • Supervisory capability and potential
  • Finally would you like to work with the candidate?

The Human Resources Department will receive, within one week, a copy of the department's Interview Data Sheet together with the cover sheet indicating hire/no hire or pending of the candidate. In general the department concerned will make the decision.

In case of an employment offer, general consensus is necessary.

All candidates will be informed about the decision, whether positive or negative, which will be either an employment, a rejection, or a pending letter. This information is recorded in the "applicants system".

5. Flowchart


6. References

  Document nr. Title Level
6.1   Application Form (Dutch) 4
6.2 BN-UF-100-1/2 Application Form (English) 4
6.3 BN-UF-6-1 & 2/3 Interview Data Sheet 4
6.4 BN-UF-6-3/3 Evaluation Points for Personality Characteristics 4


7. Attachments

1.Cover sheet applicant (typical example)