Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. General
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Procedure
  5. Flowchart
  6. References
  7. Attachments

1. Purpose

This procedure describes the Safety Audit system on the General Safety Program.

It provides for guidelines for the auditors.

It provides guidelines for the project team in preparing for the Safety Audit, and for participating and follow-up ctivities.

2. General

2.1 An audit is a document activity performed in accordance with written procedures and/or checklists to verify, by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elements of the General Safety Plan and/or Safety Plan for the project have been developed, documented and effectively implemented in accordance with specified requirements.

An audit does not include surveillance or inspection for the purpose of safety control.

2.2 An auditor is an individual who performs any portion of an audit. The auditor must be qualified to perform the audit and must not be directly responsible for the activities being audited.

2.2.1 H.O. Safety Program

The Enterprise Assistance Services activities will be audited once a year as a minimum, by the Manager of Safety.

The audit is further executed in accordance with procedure (ref. 6.2, section 4.4 through 4.9). The checklist (ref. 6.3) will form the base for the audit and for the reporting thereof.

2.2.2 Projects Safety Program

Construction Safety Audit activities are planned in the Project Engineering Safety Plan.

The audit id further executed in accordance with procedure (ref. 6.2, section 4.3 through 4.9). The checklist (ref. 6.3) will form the base for the audit and for the reporting thereof.

Engineering Safety Audits are to be planned and executed as per this procedure.

3. Responsibilities

3.1 The Project Manager is responsible for establishing and implementing the Engineering and Site Safety Plan for the project.

3.2 The Safety Auditor, together with the members of the Audit Panel, is responsible for the auditing of the Safety performance of the project, and for the monitoring of the implementation by the project team of the audit recommendations.

3.3 The Project Manager is responsible for the implementation of the audit recommendations.

4. Procedure

4.1 Basis

4.1.1 Audits shall be performed as defined in the Engineering Safety Plan for the project.

The extent of the Safety Audit Program is depending on the project requirements and shall be decided upon by the Project Manager.

4.1.2 Special audits may be required on account of suspected deficiencies in the execution of the project work relative to safety.

Such audits may be requested to be performed by:

a. Any member of a project team provided it is approved by the Project Manager.

b. Company’s Management or the Manager of Safety.

All such audits shall be organized by and coordinated with the nominated Safety Auditor.

4.2 Preparation

4.2.1 Audit Planning

The Engineering Safety (see also ref. 6.1) shall include also audit requirements which consist of:

- A description of the audit scope and its objectives.

- A description of the audit requirements.

- A safety audit schedule.

- A written audit procedure including checklists.

4.2.2 Auditor Selection

The Safety Auditor will be appointed by the Senior Program Manager in coordination with the Manager of Safety. In performing the Safety Audits, he will act as the representative of the Company management. Normally, the function of Safety Auditor will be assumed by the company Manager of Safety.

This auditor will act as the chairman of the Audit Panel, which will usually be composed of:

- Safety Auditor (chairman)

- Manager of Process Engineering or delegate

- Manager of Engineering or delegate.

The members of the Audit Panel shall have no direct operational involvement in the project being audited.

4.2.3 Audit Scheduling

The audit will normally be in two stages. Stage 1 of the audit will be carried out as soon as is practicable after the completion of process design, flow diagrams, plant layouts and, if applicable, the Hazard and Operability study or other agreed safety studies. Stage 2 will be carried out close to design completion when detailed design aspects can be included in the audit.

4.3 Audit Execution

4.3.1 Notification

Written notice of intent to audit shall be issued by the Safety Auditor to the Project Manager. This notification shall include all pertinent information relative to the audit activities, such as the questionnaires, documents required, date, location, identification of the members of the Audit Panel.

4.3.2 The Audit

Standard Safety Audit Questionnaires have been prepared (in question and answer format) to facilitate the audit ref. 6.3.

The Project Manager is responsible for distribution of the questionnaires to the disciplines concerned, ensuring that they are completed and returned to him within a predetermined period of time, and for the formal submission of the completed questionnaires for audit.

The Audit Panel will carry out a detailed review of all answers in the questionnaires.

As much as possible, verifications of the answers are to be obtained. Additional interviews may be required.

After completing the audit, the Audit Panel shall conduct a post-audit meeting with the supervisors/lead engineers of the area audited to present the audit findings. Possible required remedial actions will be reviewed as well.

4.4 Reporting

4.4.1 Audit Report

A formal audit report shall be issued by the Audit Panel. The report shall summaries the audit scope, identify the auditors and auditees, include appropriate filled-out questionnaire(s), lists the audit results, indicate remedial actions and the persons responsible for taking the remedial actions.

It shall be distributed to the Senior Program Manager, the Project Manager and the supervisors/lead engineers of the disciplines involved.

4.4.2 Follow-up Audit and Report

In cases where remedial actions are deemed necessary, the Audit Panel shall ascertain within a reasonable predetermined period of time that such remedial actions have been carried out. The Audit Panel shall then issue an audit report confirming the result of such remedial actions. This report shall have the same distribution as the original audit report.

In cases where the remedial actions have not been carried out for reasons beyond the control of the project team, the Safety Auditor will refer to the Senior Program Manager any potentially dangerous aspects of design resulting from conflicts of codes, conflict with Client or unsafe design by Client or any resolution which would involve considerable capital outlay or plant redesign.

4.5 Records

4.5.1 A master audit file will be maintained by the Safety Auditor. This file shall contain:

a. Definition of Company’s responsibilities.

b. Originals of the audit reports, including the questionnaires.

c. Minutes of meetings of all audit meetings.

d. Originals of the follow-up audit reports.

e. Any other correspondence as necessary.

5. Flowchart

6. References


Document Number





Implementation of the General Safety Program




Internal Quality Audits




Safety Audit Questionnaires




Engineering Safety Program


7. Attachments
