This design standard contains the general notes as applicable on civil construction drawings.
- Reference documents
- This document shall be read in conjunction with 'specification for civil construction work' BN-SP-J2.
- Plant level and location
- Plant level 0.000 (hight point of paving) is equal to ....
- Coordinates refer to ....
- Units
- Elevations and coordinates in m.
- Dimensions in mm.
- General
- Unless noted otherwise on the drawings the following rules are applicable:
- Octogonal foundations shall be regulat octogons
- Anchor bolts shall straddle main axes and shall be equally spaced
- Projection of anchor bolts is given from top concrete
- Anchor bolts shall be indicated thus on the drawings: n AB 30B 875 PTOJ. 130
- n is number of bolts
- 30 is diameter
- B is type
- 875 is length
- 130 is projection from top of concrete
- Laps of wiremesh shall have a length of 300 mm
- Pile reinforcement shall extend into foundation over a minimum length of 25x bar diameter
- Top surface of sliding plates shall be provided with graphite grease
- Projection of electrical conduits shall be 300 mm. Radius of bends in conduits shall be as follows:
- diam 1" or 25 mm: 400 mm
- diam 2" or 50 mm: 600 mm
- diam 3" or 75 mm: 750 mm
- diam 4" or 100 mm: 1000 mm
- When soil conditions allow vertical excavations the formwork may be replaced by 50 mm concrete
- A layer of blinding concrete of minimum 50 mm thickness shall be installed under all foundations
- Thickness of grout shall be 25 mm
- The position of reinforcement layers is indicated in accordance with NEN 3870 'Tekeningen voor" betonconstructies' (Drawings for concrete sturctures)
- Before pouring concrete, the electrical grounding of piles shall be installed as per drawing no. ...
- Reference drawings
- Anchor bolts - BN-ES-J1
- Sleeves for anchor bolts - BN-ES-J1
- Slide plates for horizontal equipment - BN-DS-M2 and M3
- Miscellaneous job details - ...
- Miscellaneous paving details - ...
- Typical paving details - ...
- Overall plotplan - ...
- Abbreviations
- The following symbols and abbreviations are used on the constructions drawings:
- AB = anchor bolt
- APPROX. = approximate
- BCD = bolt circle diameter
- BLDG = building
- B.O.B. = bottom of base plate
- C.B. = catch basin
- C.I. = cast iron
- CL = center line
- C.S. = carbons steel
- C.T.C. center to center
- DISCH = discharge
- DWG = drawing
- EL. = elevation
- F.D. = floor drain
- FND = foundation
- GRE = glassfibre reinforced epoxy
- H.P. = high point
- I.T. = inside top
- I.D. = inside diameter
- INV. = invert
- L.P. = low point
- M.H. = manhole
- N.T.S. = not to scale
- O.D. = outside diameter
- PE = polyethylene
- PRJ. = projection
- PVC = polyvinylchloride
- RC = reinforced concrete
- ST. = stirrup(s)
- T.O.G. = top of grout
- TYP. = typical
- VAR. = varies / variable
- The following symbols and abbreviations are used on the constructions drawings: