Table of Contents
1. General
1.1 Description
This specification covers the requirements for street lighting and floodlighting poles of metal construction for areas with explosion risk and safe areas as specified in the requisition.
1.2 Applicable Conditions and Regulations
1.2.1 All applicable standards of the country stated in the requisition.
1.2.2 All other national and/or local regulations applicable to this type of work.
1.3 Conflicting Requirements
In case of conflicts between the conditions and documents above or between these and the specification in hand the severest requirements will govern. In case of conflicts between this specification and the requisition, the requirements of the requisition will govern.
Purchaser is not committed to check vendor’s documents etc. Purchaser will review them. It will remain vendor’s responsibility manufacture the poles in accordance with this specification and requisition in a completely functional and workmanlike manner.
A deviation from the requisition (of which this specification forms part) will only be acceptable when vendor has specified in his quotation under the heading “deviations from specification or requisition” the requirements he cannot meet and Company has accepted this deviation in writing before placement of order or in the order.
Failure to do so will be interpreted by Purchaser as confirmation that Manufacturer will comply underconditionally with this specification.
1.4 Additional Quantities
Additional quantities up to a maximum of 10% of the value of the purchase order shall be available with a maximum delivery time of one month.
The additional quantities shall be of the same quality and type as ordered initially.
1.5 Transport and Off-Loading Facilities on Site
Transport and off-loading shall be carried out by vendor, under vendor’s responsibility and for vendor’s account. Poles damaged during transport and/or unloading shall be replaced immediately free of charge and without any delay.
Vendor will remain responsible for transport and off-loading of his equipment till final written acceptance by field representative.
1.6 Drawings and Data
Drawings and other technical data shall be furnished in the quantities specified in the order. Language on drawings shall be as specified in the requisition.
1.7 Drawings and Data to be Furnished with the Quotation
1.7.1 Outline drawing showing overall dimensions, location of holes, exact dimensions of service doors etc.
1.7.2 Weight of each type of lighting pole.
2. Construction
2.1 All poles and brackets shall be made of metal.
2.2 Poles and brackets shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust and scale.
2.3 Interior of the poles and brackets shall be coated with a non-leaching bituminous material.
2.4 Exterior of the pole base, up to 30 cm above grade, shall be wrapped and asphalt-compounded.
2.5 The outside of the remaining parts of the poles and the brackets shall be painted with 2 layers of red lead (see requisition).
2.6 Pole base shall be provided with 2 slotted holes of 100 x 50 mm at a depth of 50 cm below grade.
2.7 Each pole shall be supplied complete with a separate footing. Footing shall consist of a tube (of proper size to fit the pole) welded to a plate of 500 x 500 x 6 mm. Provisions shall be made to fix the pole with 3 bolts to the footing. (Size for bolts at least ½”).
2.8 Pole shall be provided with an inspection door. Behind that door, a mounting plate or an explosion proof box shall be mounted as specified in the requisition. Mounting plate shall be provided with terminals, fuse holder E27 with fuse, earthing screws, wiring, saddles, etc. Explosionproof box shall contain terminals, automatic circuit breaker, earthing screws, wiring, explosionproof glands, etc.
2.9 An automatic switch will control the supply outside the explosionproof box of the pole.
2.10 Rubber cable 3 cores 4 (for diameter see requisition) between mounting plate or box and fixture(s) will be furnished by others.
1 core will be used for earthing purposes.
2.11 For floodlight poles, the clamps as per detail on sheet 6 will form part of the supply.
2.12 All internal wiring (2½ black PVC-insulated) forms part of this specification. Purchaser will only connect feeder cable(s) and rubber cable inside the pole.
2.13 Boxes and mounting plates shall be easily removable for installation purposes.
2.14 For explosionproof boxes test certificates with indication of gas-group classification will be required.