Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. General
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Procedure
  5. Flowchart
  6. References
  7. Attachments

1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to describe the system for the assessment (or audits) of subcontractor's construction capabilities for a specific project.

For the purpose of this procedure, subcontractor includes only organisations who provide site labour. Subcontractors may also provide materials for supply and erect contracts.

2. General

The assessment of subcontractors shall be carried out to satisfy the requirements of the Project. (ref. 6.1.).

The Project Manager decides the extent to which this procedure may be applied.

3. Responsibilities

3.1 The Manager of Subcontracts is responsible for the application of this procedure and the assignment of visiting assessors.

3.2 The Manager of Subcontracts is responsible for the assessment of the subcontractors and the issue of the Subcontractor Assessment Report (ref. 6.3).

3.3 The Manager of Quality Assurance and Safety is responsible for the evaluation of quality manuals and safety manuals.

4. Procedure

4.1 Where a (potential) subcontractor has not worked for or has not been assessed by Company or its client, an assessment of construction capabilities shall be considered by the Project Manager and the Manager of Subcontracts prior to the award of a significant contract.

4.2 Where an assessment is to be made of the subcontractor's Safety and Quality Manual, then the Manager of Subcontracts shall ensure that these manuals are made available to the Manager of Quality Assurance and Safety.

Alternatively, an assessment visit may be decided upon without assessment of the Quality Manual and Safety Manual.

This decision shall be made by the Project Manager.

4.3 The Manager of Quality Assurance shall review the submitted Quality Manuals in accordance with the procedure (ref. 6.5) and distribute the Review Quality Manual (RQM) Report.

The Manager of Quality Assurance and Safety shall review the submitted safety documents and distribute and review comment.

4.4 Based on the available information, such as Subcontractor Evaluation Reports (ref. 6.4) from any previous subcontracts and the evaluation of the Quality/Safety Manual, the Project Manager and the Manager of Subcontracts shall decide if a visit to the subcon­tractor, to assess his capabilities, is required.

4.5 Prior to the assessment visit, the Manager of Subcontracts should first transmit the form subcontract questionnaire (ref. 6.2) to the subcontractor, who will be required to complete this form and return it to Company, prior to the planned assessment visit.

4.6 The Manager Subcontracts shall liaise with interested Company departments to assign the visiting assessor(s).

4.7 The Manager of Subcontracts should make an appointment with the subcontractor for the actual assessment visit after receipt of the completed questionnaire.

This questionnaire and the RQM Report shall be made available to the assessor(s) for the preparation of the assessment visit.

4.8 The assessor(s) shall make the assessment visit, and report with the use of the subcontract assessment form (ref. 6.3).

The extent and intensity of the assessment will be dependent on whether the assessment is carried out for a possible project related subcontract, or for an audit on an existing subcontract.

4.9 The original of the report (ref. 6.3) shall be issued to the Manager of Subcontracts who shall distribute copies as required. He shall file the original of the report in the subcontract data file.

4.10 It is the subcontractor's responsibility to implement the recommendations made in the assessment report.

The assigned Subcontracts/Control Manager/Engineer is responsible to verify that the requirements for the subcontract are implemented.

5. Flowchart

6. References


Document Number





Procedure for the Establishment of Project Quality Plans




Subcontractor Questionnaire




Subcontractor Assessment




Subcontractor Evaluation




Evaluation of Quality Manuals


7. Attachments
