Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Policy
  3. Responsibility
  4. General Instructions
  5. Use Reproduction Order for Department Xerox Machines
  6. Attachment

1. Introduction

To a Client auditor a properly completed reproduction order form is the only valid substantiation of reproduction charges.

2. Policy

All reproduction work must be requested on a properly completed reproduction order form, BN-U 200-2, Feb 86. An incompletely filled-out form will be reason to refuse the order.

3. Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the department/cost center head to inform his personnel of the policy ruling.

4. General Instructions

In the attached sample (Attachment 1), each area to be filled in has been letter coded and filled with an example entry. The letter coding references the explanations which follow.

No. 7-12 Date (DDMMYY)
No. 15-17 Department (DEPT)
No. 18-23 Job number
No. 26-29 Unit
No. 30-33 Work Package (WORK PACK.)

B. Description
Describe reproduction by mentioning reference numbers, e.g. number of letter, memo, drawing etc.

C. Fill in kind of reproduction i.e.
L (black and white), R (reproducible), M (multilith) or X (xerox). In case reduction is required, a footnote should be made indicating to what size.

D. Number of originals
Fill in number of originals you want to reproduce.

E. Number of copies required
Fill in number of prints required.

F. Extra copies/send extra copies toNumber of extra copies required.

G. Send extra copies to
If you want to send anybody copies, fill in name of the person

H. Return vellum toIf you borrowed a document from the printroom only for prints, fill in "file" (the drawing automatically returns to the file of the printroom).

I. Ordered by

Fill in your name (in block letters).

Your mail station number.

5. Use Reproduction Order for Departmental Xerox Machines

5.1 Departmental Xerox machines are to be used for small production volumes only. Large volumes are to be sent to the printroom.

5.2 Registration of copies per cost center and job number is done by means of a built-in audition unit, which is read at the end of each fiscal month by IPS.

The cost center and job number data in the audition are brought up to date once a week by the reproduction department by means of data received from the Accounting Department.

6. Attachment

  1. Sample of reproduction order (not available)