The miter bend dialog window is opened by selecting in the menu 'Tables' > 'Miter bend'. The input data for the miter bends is edited in this window. The data of the miter bends is stored in the project database. Except for the commodity code, all data is used for the strength calculations of the miter bends.

Table Miter bend
In the window the properties are as follows:
- 'Project Number', to show the current project number for reference only. The field is not editable, the project number is edited in the project dialog.
- 'Pipe Class', to show the current pipe class for reference only. The field is not editable, the pipe class number is edited in the pipe class dialog.
- 'Nominal diameters and properties', the list shows the selected and edited data per size of the miter bend. This list is also used to select the size(s) to be edited. By pressing the left mouse button and keeping it down and dragging over the sizes, more size can be selected to edit the data simultaneously. Click the right mouse button in this list to activate the context menu.
- 'Standard' (dropdown box in schedules, ratings and series), to select the dimension standard for the miter bend.
- 'Schedule and rating' list, to select the required schedule or rating. Left click the relevant row to select the data.
- 'Standard' (in selected component properties), to show the selected standard as edited in the above dropdown box.
- 'Quality or schedule', to show the selected schedule as edited in the above list.
- 'Material', to show the material selected. The material can be edited by clicking the button next to the field. A new window will be opened to show the available material.
- 'Wall thickness', to show the relevant wall thickness as per selected schedule or rating.
- 'Tolerance', to show the tolerance as per pipe class setting. The tolerance can be overwritten to set individual component data.
- 'Corrosion Allowance', to show the corrosion allowance per pipe class setting. The corrosion allowance can be overwritten to set the individual data per component.
- 'Welded fitting', to set whether this is a welded fitting.
- 'Weld Strength Reduction Factor W', this weld factor is used in the calculation code when applicable. For further information see Weld Strength Reduction Factor
- 'Joint Quality Factor', factor E (≤ 1) to be used in the calculation code. For further information see Joint Quality Factor
- 'Commodity code', to set the commodity code per component or group of components.
At the bottom of the dialog:
- 'Help' button, to show this help page.
- 'Edit details' button, to edit the detail dimensions. For further information see Edit details
- 'OK' button, to save the data to the pipe class database and close the dialog
- 'Cancel' button, to close the dialog without saving the data.